Houseplants Informative Speech

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Did you know there is another approach to cleaning up the air inside your house?

It turns out that ordinary houseplants can purify the air, even cleaning such bad boys as formaldehyde, ammonia, and benzene from the air. Houseplants even cut down drastically on airborne microbes. Here are ten common houseplants that can beautify your home and clean up indoor air pollution.

1. Chrysanthemums have been shown to remove the dangerous compound benzene from the air. Keep in mind that chrysanthemum is poisonous when ingested or when it comes to prolonged skin contact.

2. Aloe vera is a plant that plenty of households already have in their kitchen window due to their ability to effectively cool cooking burns. It is also quite effective at eliminating …show more content…

Boston ferns are the most effective houseplants for removing formaldehyde. They're also good for the soil, removing heavy metals like mercury and arsenic. This very common houseplant is not only beautiful but healthy as well!

4. Areca palm trees are the best overall air purifying plant out there, according to studies by no less a scientific body than NASA. It's also a terrific air humidifier. In fact, it's such a great humidifier; it can eliminate the need for an electric one in the room where it lives.

5. Rubber plants provide moisture, get rid of bio-effluents and volatile organic compounds, and even suppress airborne microorganisms. And the best part is its cleansing properties improve over time due to special bacteria within the leaves that "eat" microorganisms. Strangely this plant is useful in removing the majority of air pollutants present in the home, especially formaldehyde. It is a very sturdy and hardy plant and can tolerate dim lighting and cool temperature.

6. Peace lilies are not only easy to care for, but they are also great all-around air purifiers.

7. Spider plants are great at removing carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide from the air, bringing levels to near zero after only 24 hours. And readily make "baby" spider plants

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