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Primary prevention of tuberculosis disease
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Recommended: Primary prevention of tuberculosis disease
Homeless Population
People without a regular dwelling can be susceptible to so many infectious disease. TB in the homeless population is a public health concern.
Report from CDC (2013) stated that the number of TB cases in the United States decreased slightly in 2011; however there is a disproportionate number of TB cases still occur among high-risk populations, including people experiencing homelessness (CDC, 2013). Furthermore, CDC (2013) said, “In the United States, 1% of the population experiences homelessness in a given year, but more than 5% of people with TB reported being homeless within the year prior to diagnosis” (CDC, 2013).
HIV/AIDS Population
When it comes to infectious diseases, HIV/AIDS population is at high risks due
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As stated by the CDC, “worldwide, it is estimated that TB infects 1 million children who are less than 15 years of age each year. In the United States, a total of 9,582 cases of TB were reported in 2013, of which 485 (5%) cases were among children less than 15 years of age” (CDC, 2013).
Things to note on tuberculosis
Environment plays a big role in human health. Having a healthy environment such as clean air can bring positive impact to people’s health.
According to the article Linking TB and the Environment: An Overlooked Mitigation Strategy (2008) in 2033 TB incidence rates in parts of China could be 14–52% lower if tobacco smoking and indoor air pollution from traditional cooking stoves are eliminated (Schmidt, 2008).
Although it has been noticed that there is a significant decrease in tuberculosis prevalence, the disease is still a major concern to public health in the United States. Poor life style can increase the risks of TB infection among poor community. Schmidt (2008) stated that TB has been linked anecdotally with environmental risk factors that go hand-in-hand with poverty: indoor air pollution, tobacco smoke, malnutrition, overcrowded living conditions, and excessive alcohol use (Schmidt,
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For example, when people do not complete the full course of treatment, or health care providers who prescribe wrong treatment, the wrong dose, or wrong length of time for taking the drugs, the TB virus can create resistance to further treatment, which can also lead to tuberculosis severity.
Conclusion There is a tremendous positive change in TB eradication every year. However, it does not mean that TB has stopped to be a threat to public health in the United States and in the World.
According to the World Health Organization, 1.5 million people died from TB in 2013. (WHO, 2014). CDC report that “In the United States, 536 people died from tuberculosis in 2011” (CDC, 2013).
Education can be a powerful weapon in fighting tuberculosis in the United States also around the world. Today, it is encouraging how so many people know how TB contracts human and what cause drug resistant effects among those who are under TB treatment.
I believe education is still needed consistently to eradicate this deadly
One subject that simply can not be ignored no matter where you find yourself in Anaheim. The homeless population in Anaheim is rapidly growing and there seems to be no end to this conundrum. Sadly, these poor individuals can be found anywhere some small amount of shelter is. Thus, you can constantly find them lingering around parks or on the sides of freeways waiting to beg the next passerby for enough money to make it through the day. In Anaheim they can usually found at the various parks we have around the city. The heart of a person is only so delicate to feel remorse or sadness whilst the less fortunate of society wanders within their eyes. But surprisingly enough when the time comes down to it you often hear the phrase,
Its epidemiological importance is illustrated by World Health Organization Prevention of Tuberculosis includes better living conditions, proper nutrition, and positive health practices” (Fogel, 2015, p.530). Positive health practices include covering nose and mouth when coughing and frequent hand washing. Bacille Calmette-Gurin (BCG) vaccine tends to be given in other countries. Tuberculosis is known as one of the main causes of mortality in the world. This communicable disease is a serious public health conundrum. “The disease still puts a strain on public health, being only second to HIV/AIDS in causing high mortality rates” (Matteelli, Roggi, & Carvalho, 2014, p.
Mental health disorders and substance use disorders are apparent within the population of individuals who are homeless. Mental health disorders and substance use disorders have varying factors that can cause a person to develop each disorder separately. People can often suffer immensely from each one individually. Mental health and substance use disorders can cause significant distress in the lives of those diagnosed. The opposite can also be said that significant distress can cause mental health and substance use disorders. The difference depends on a number of factors such as genetics, environment, resiliency, gender, and age. However, recovery from homelessness, mental health, and substance use disorders is possible if the right resources are available.
Tuberculosis is sometimes called disease of the poor, poverty restricts lots of people to live in a small space, leading to overcrowding. Smaller spaces increase the possibility of M. Tuberculosis to spread and infect an individual. Also immunocompromised individual are susceptible to acquiring tuberculosis. For example, HIV patients, malnourished individual are more susceptible to tuberculosis compared to the average healthy individual. People that are constantly in close range to infected individual are at higher risk of getting infected because, they are more likely to share and breathe the same air. This will lead to inhalation of M. Tuberculosis and might eventually lead to tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis or TB, referred to by some as the White death due to the epidemic that arose in Europe that lasted two hundred years, is usually caused by in humans by a microorganism by substrains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It’s hard to determine the exact years in which TB first infected humans, but since the disease leaves traces on the bone in can be found in archeological record and it is believed to go all the way back to the B.C. era. Although it is hard to tell if the bone damage was truly from TB, there is research that shows that it has been around since the 17th and 18th centuries with a high number of incidences of TB, and in 1882 Dr. Robert Koch announced that his discovery of the causing factor of TB, which is Mycobacterium tuberculosis. A tuberculosis bacterium is spread through the air by an infected person speaking, coughing, or sneezing. Due to the fact the bacteria is protected by a waxy cell all, the body’s defense takes weeks to develop any kind of immunity and it allows the bacteria to exponentially multiply freely within the body. If TB it’s left untreated it will eat rapidly through many tissues, usually beginning with the lungs, lymph nodes, and kidneys. As the infection spreads to the lungs, it causes a cough and fluid between the chest wall and lungs, which leads to chest pains, severe shortness of breath, and potential heart failure. TB also infects bones and joints that can produce arthritis like pain and characteristic bone damage. Another possibility is that it may affect the fluid around the brain, causing meningitis, which can lead to fever, drowsiness, and eventually coma and death (Wingerson, 2009).
Tuberculosis is a bacteria infection that affects many people over the world. Treatment for the disease helps people but it is limited. Vaccination is sought but, like treatment, is limited. Because of these limitations Tuberculosis spreads and kills easily. Tuberculosis can be cured by constant drug therapy.
After watching the video “Sociological Perspective Project: Homelessness,” and read the article “Community Level Characteristics Associated with Variation in Rates of Homelessness among Families and Single Adults I started to think about this more and started to read more on the topic and have I concluded , America could support its citizens better than it currently does by eliminating the progressive tax system, in which as wealth increases so does their income tax and implement tax incentives to encourage job creation. Loop holes should be eliminated in such systems as taxes, as well as welfare in order to prevent people from playing the system. The system should not be set up in such a way that filing for unemployment can be and often times is more profitable that holding a minimum wage job, which defeats the entire purpose of the welfare system. By adding these tax incentives to big business, it would encourage them to create new jobs, decreasing the number of people on welfare. While welfare should not be entirely disbanded, it should be made more restrictive and it, along...
TB germs enter the body, the immune system builds a wall around them. While TB
Tb is spread trough the air and respiration. So when a person breathes in the air around them then they may not knowingly breath in one of the tuberculosis drop lets through there nose. The disease can also spread through the clothing and anything that the contaminated person has touched. If a person were to touch the clothing of an infected person they will most likely get the disease because it is so highly contagious. Many of the main people who are infected by tuberculosis are people who may already have been infected by another disease because their immune system is so week that makes them a main target for tuberculosis. People who may have a high risk at getting TB should avoid areas that have been infected, vaccinate themselves, get regular skin tests, take antibiotics if they know they will be around tuberculosis.
After reviewing the literature, this author pinpointed several environmental, individual, and agent factors, which make up the epidemiologic triad, contribute to the topic of mental health in the homeless.
...Department of Health and Human Services of United States proposed a goal to completely abolish tuberculosis from the Earth by 2010. However, several Missouri counties have stated tuberculosis' recent rise and saying it still is a threat as it is airborne and infectious; tuberculosis will persist to be a peril to humanity (Nochlin, 2010). People still need to defeat various obstacles to reach that goal as AIDS and TB are cooperating to kill victims faster as well as intensifying the dangers of certain TB. Different parts of the world are also in danger, including India and Africa and Africa is particularly in great danger. Twenty-five million there are HIV-positive and 200 million are infected with inactive TB (Zimmerman, 2003). Certainly, these statistics forecast an inevitable massacre and the white death may become the greatest health disaster in human history.
Tuberculosis or known as TB remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the world, especially in developing countries. A combination of factors including high costs, limited resources and the poor performance of various diagnostic tests make the diagnosis of TB difficult in developing countries. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2014), one third of the world’s population is infected with tuberculosis. In 2012, nearly nine million people around the world become sick with tuberculosis disease, and there were around one point three million TB related deaths worldwide.
As stated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2013) In the United States, At least 1% of the population encounters homeless in a given year and more than 5% of individuals with Tb reported being homeless within the year prior to diagnosis. That is because people who are homeless have no access to medical care.
Researchers have also identified a list of other factors associated with TB transmission such as environmental, organism and host factors, but these unfortunately, are outside the scope of the present paper. 16
Every other day a new industries are being set up, new vehicles on roads and trees are being cut to make way for new homes. All of them, indirect way lead to increase in CO2 leads to melting of polar ice caps which increase the sea level and pose danger for the people living near coastal areas. Pollution can have an impact in our health not only affects people with impaired respiratory system such as asthmatics, but very healthy adults and children too. Exposure to pollution for 6 to 7 hours, even at relatively low concentrations, reduces lung function and induces respiratory inflammation and, healthy people during periods of moderate