What I Learned In Honors English Class

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The standards for the past two weeks that we have been learning in honors English are reading, writing, speaking/language, and grammar. Reading has to do with the socratic seminars and reading the books and taking short quizzes that we had been doing in class. Also there is writing where we have written many essays, these essays that we have been doing have been difficult for me but I have been improving. To add on to these stands there is a speaking/listening which talks about being able to show information that you found and presenting it to your classmates in a clear way.Lastly there is a language grade which talks about your grammar and in your essays. Grammar help your essay run more fluently and makes it sound better.
Two strengths of mine throughout the first-quarter were being able to present information in front of a group of people, and coming up with good ideas for my essays. First I believe that one of my strengths are being able to go on the front of many people and fluently have information expressed. Evidence of this is when we did the multiple socratic seminars. I exceeded when doing this because I was not afraid to talk and I think I was a veteran at socratic seminars since i had done them before. Also I believe that when doing my essays my ideas were very well thought out. The …show more content…

First when I was revising my essays after I was done, I realized that I had many mistakes. These mistakes should not have been done and I should work on this. The mistakes could have been easily prevented, which would of made my essay less choppy. Next I realized in the first essay that I did, I summarized too much. Mrs. Brach did not approve to this so I did not get a good grade. I came to realize that Mrs. Brach wanted us to analyze and take the deeper meaning. I was at a disadvantage because no teacher had taught me how to analyze. Summarizing was a lot easier i realized but many people would have similar

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