Hitler And The Nazi Party

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Hitler joined up with the Nazis and together they were allowed to punish the Jews.
The Nazi group started in 1919, and was formerly known as “The German Workers’ Party,” (Nazi timeline1). Then Hitler changed the name of the party to “National Socialist German Workers' Party” also known as the Nazi party.The Nazis’ looked up to Hitler because he created speeches about changing Germany and communism and dictatorship. His main goal was to to have Germany turn their backs on the Jews. Hitler used the Nazi party to spy on the Jews and exploit them. Hitler was imprisoned from the outcome of a violent march and was sentenced 5 years in prison, but he only actually served 9 months. During that time the Nazi party grew significantly. After Hitler was released from prison the party grew from 27,000 members in 1925, the Party grew to 108,000 in 1929, (Nazi timeline 1). In the 1930s Hitler helped the Nazi party and they became the strongest party in Germany.
Along with the Nazi party another group was also formed in Hitler’s favor. The group was called Hitler Youth. The group was targeted to young “pure” german people. The kids age group started as young as ten years old, up to seventeen years old. The main goal of the group was to terrorize the Jews and other non- German people, (Bartoletti 68). Also, many members of Hitler Youth consisted of most of the audience for Hitler’s speeches about “changing” Germany. In early 1933 the Hitler Youth group had included 50,000 members, but by the end of the same year, the group consisted of over 2 million members. It was mandatory for kids to join Hitler Youth by 1939.
In preparations to the Holocaust there were laws set ,called the Nuremberg Laws , to prohibit Jews from getting government jobs, Je...

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...murdered approximately 1 million European Jews from different countries throughout Europe. The final solution lasted for about 4 years, ending when World War 2 was over in 1945. The Final solution’s outcome ended with 6 million Jews alone murdered and other races such as homosexuals, gypsies and other races killed.
People that survived the Holocaust made it their mission to spread the word about their lives and what they witnessed during that time.Because the Holocaust was so widely known and televised, many people made movies, books and other tributes about the holocaust, which also made it more widely known. Many people would debate about the way it was televised being inappropriate. But at the end of the day the main point of the Holocaust came across to the public.Which was that Hitler try to turn the world against people’s ethnicities at which he did not like.

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