The Impact of the Nazi Regime on the Youth of Germany

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The Impact of the Nazi Regime on the Youth of Germany Before the Nazis changed the education system, education was free up to the age of 16; although children were allowed to leave form the age of 14. Then children of wealthier families were able to go to university if they desired. The Nazis had to control over private education, as it was likely to bring up lots of conflict, so it had to be left alone. The main changes in the education system didn't occur until 1939. In 1933 the education remained in the hands of the Lands (regional) governments, Hitler who had himself had bad memories from his school days wanted to change this. He believed that for a strong country its people needed to be aware of race, their country and the demands national socialism entailed. But for his aim to become reality he needed control of the education system. So in 1934 Hitler abolished the old system and replaced it with a Reichsminister of Education, Culture and Science, Bernhard Rust This was strongly welcomed by a lot of teachers, as many were right-wing and sympathised with the Nazis. With the Nazis in control of the system all who opposed the Nazis were fired especially the Jewish teachers, only 1.5% of pupils were allowed to be Jewish but by 1938 Jewish children were excluded full stop. The Nazi dominance continued as the Nationalist Socialist Teachers Alliance (NSLB) was set up to replace all other teachers group. By 1938 about 97% of teachers had joined. As part of the children education swastika flags were placed around the classrooms, as well as pictures of Hitler and propaganda. When the children entered the classroom they were expected to greet their teacher with the Nazi salute and the 'Seig Heil'. This wasn't the only part of the system which changed, the curriculum also changed. There was no longer a wide range of subjects studied but an emphasis of certain subjects, such as PE. Hitler believed that both sexes needed to be taught a lot of PE, this would increase fitness and the strength

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