Hitler's Aryan View of The World

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In Adolf Hitler Ideology his view on races and the Aryans in particular played an essential role and had been used by him to make differences between people and to introduce a mindset which believed in better people being superior compared to others.
He had a very narrow view of the “perfect human”. His ideal of the “perfect human” had to be tall, slim, narrow-faced, narrow forehead, narrow high-built nose, lower jaw, prominent chin, rosy bright skin, and smooth hair. Hitler called the people who fitted into his model the Aryan Race. Hitler called the “perfect humans”, the Aryans, because the original meaning is honorable and respectful. This would differ them from the Jews which were, in Hitler’s view, the “imperfect people” from the Aryans. In Hitler’s view, if there is a “perfect human” there has to be an “imperfect human”. In this way Hitler created 2 groups in society: The Aryans, and the Jews. In order to be called an Aryan, he or she had to prove that he or she did not have any Jewish family members. In addition he or she was not allowed to have a Jewish background. If the person did have Jewish ancestors or did have a connection to Jews in their family, he or she would be called for their entire life, under Hitler, a Jew and not an Aryan. But if he or she didn’t have any connection to the Jews, he or she would receive a document which assures that he or she is a pure Aryan. Aryans had many privileges compared to the Jews: They were able to work in workplaces which were well paid, were in high positions, and were very powerful in decisions. These kinds of jobs were unavailable for the Jews to have. The employers only wanted Aryans because they were the new “perfect human”. Hitler decided to dispossess all Jews, so that they...

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...ople' in Germany because he thought
Germany was the superior nation. Hitler introduced many laws to make life for Jews as hard as possible. The final thing Hitler introduced were the working camps in which he secretly killed many people without letting anybody know.

Works Cited

http://www.schoolhistory.co.uk/gcselinks/sourcework/masterrace.pdf http://www.theholocaustexplained.org/ks3/the-nazi-rise-to-power/the-role-of-hitler/hitlerdevelops- his-ideas/#.U3LgPMK_lMt http://the-rise-of-the-nazis.e-monsite.com/pages/anti-semitism-master-race.html http://www.deutschlandfunk.de/der-neue-mensch-im-nationalsozialismus.1184.de.html? dram:article_id=185410 http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10007457 http://fcit.usf.edu/holocaust/PEOPLE/USHMMHAN.HTM http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/635490/Wannsee-Conference

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