Heart Attack Creative Writing

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In the blink of an eye, your life could take a terrible turn. Your mind races, your heart palpitates so fast you can hear it, you are shaking, sweaty, what is happening! That once confident, independent, enterprising woman could not even think straight, buckling to the ground, curled in a ball like a small child in the fetal position. Twelve hours ago, you were convinced that you were living your last night on earth. However, after hours of tests and monitors, the doctors found nothing. I experienced my first panic attack. My life was like a prison, four walls and no escape from the torture that my mind would go through. The constant inner critic was so loud in my head “This is your miserable life now “, you are a loser”, and these
thoughts …show more content…

I was having severe panic attacks at least three to four times a day. I would sit in the dark closet crying begging God to help me, begging him to tell me what I had done that I was being punished for. “Please God tell me why I am being punished, please help me”!
I called my mom every day to come and take me to the emergency room. I thought I was having a heart attack or a stroke, my face becomes flush, my hands tremble, I can’t breathe I know I am having a heart attack ,why won’t anyone help me . I was on my knees begging for help, screaming why me, why is this happening. Repeatedly I would go to the emergency room begging the doctors for help, “please let me feel better”, please help me I’m dying.” The Dr. would say you are having another panic attack. I was so embarrassed. I had been in the emergency so many times, I eventually stopped going. I couldn’t drive anymore ,couldn’t leave the house and couldn’t be alone , I had developed acute agoraphobia I spent my days crying and feeling like I was losing my mind. I was depressed to the point I would not eat, would not shower for days, and I felt like my life would never be the same again.
It was a terrible time in my life. Something had to change, and it did eventually; the …show more content…

As of today, I have a high “B” in my class, and I kept my commitment to myself.

The more I did the class and the journals the more and more I noticed a change in myself.
I was feeling confident and excited about this new journey in my life; I started to find myself again and started to feel like I had a purpose. When I first started the class I had so much negative self-talk my inner critic would get the best of me “I can’t do this”, “I am not smart enough”, I would cause myself anxiety from being so worried about how I would do on my class work. This book On Course really changed my life, the more I read the more I felt this healing process with in me, something I honestly have not felt that in two years of counseling, it was different writing your feelings down and visually seeing it on paper. I felt encouraged and excited to learn more. This class has taught me self-confidence, commitment and when you think positive, your life will be positive. I feel I can do anything in life and I feel like On Course has helped me with some excellent life skills that will make me successful in the

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