Hazardous materials can be important in everyday life when properly handled. However, when improperly handled, they can result in injury, death, and destruction as well as have lingering effects that may last for years to come. To address the risk of an uncontrolled hazardous materials release, there must be a coordinated effort to identify, locate, and quantify the hazardous materials in a particular location (Drexel University Safety & Health, 2001). Typically, industry and government agree that a hazardous materials incident is one where • The intentional or accidental release of a hazardous material is responsible for major injury or fatality • The release of the hazardous material or exposure to the fire that ensues results in the need to evacuate 25 or more people • Closure of a major transportation hub as a result of the release of the hazardous material • The hazardous material is radioactive or a biohazard • Whenever there is a release of over 11.9 gallons or 88.2 pounds of a severe marine pollutant, or hazardous material (Hazmat Incidents and supplies, n.d.). Any single organization or group cannot solve hazardous materials response planning successfully. Rather it must be accomplished through the efforts of local, state, and Federal authorities and in cooperation with the private sector. Because of various limitations, one cannot prepare for every type of release, however, the plan can be written to address those releases that can most likely occur. Regardless, hazardous materials response plans must be designed to minimize hazards to human health and the resulting environment during the intentional or accidental release of a hazardous material. The plan should be written under the authority permitted b... ... middle of paper ... ...(2001, March 15). Drexel Safety and Health. Retrieved June 3, 2010, from Drexel Safety and Health: www.drexelsafetyandhealth.com/hazmat/hazmatplan.doc Hazmat Incidents and supplies. (n.d.). Retrieved June 3, 2010, from Safety Supplies-Work Gloves-Spill Containment-Janitorial Supplies: http://www.bestvalsup.com/v/vspfiles/hazmat_response_tips_and_supplies.asp Pennsylvania Small Business Development Center. (n.d.). Emergency Response Planning: Disaster Preparedness for Small Businesses | pasbdc.org . Retrieved June 3, 2010, from Helping Businesses Start, Grow, and Prosper | pasbdc.org : http://www.pasbdc.org/index/resources/emergency.asp#envemergency Washoe County LEPC. (2006, March 1). Washoe County Local Emergency Planning Committee. Retrieved June 3, 2010, from Washoe County Local Emergency Planning Committee: http://www.washoelepc.com/pdf/Section1.pdf
Greer, M. E. (2001, October). 90 Years of Progress in Safety. Professional Safety, 46(10), 20-25. Retrieved April 22, 2014, from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=5367632&site=ehost-live&scope=site
Cashman, J. (2000). Emergency Response to Chemical and Biological Agents. Boca Raton, FL. Lewis Publishers.
Unknown. (2001). Chemical and Biological Defense Program annual report to Congress (2000). In Chemical and Biological Defense Program annual report to Congress (2000) (pp. 116,
50 years and 6 months after the Texas City disaster, a lot of changes has been made to ensure the safety of handling hazardous material due to the disaster. It was a wake up call for people around the world to look deeply into the safety issues and for government to assume an active role in enforcing those issues. For the residents in Texas City who decided to stay and rebuild after the disaster, it was more than a wake up call for safety. It was a painful memory that made people even stronger. It was a call for the community to come together and make Texas city a major industrial center again. It was a joint effort to make Texas City a better and safer place to live.
U.S. Enviromental Protection Agency. (2011, January 13). Retrieved January 20, 2011, from Summary of the Clean Air Act 42 U.S.C. §7401 et seq. (1970): http://www.epa.gov/lawsregs/laws/caa.html
On January 9th, 2014, it was reported that a chemical spill has occurred from a storage tank owned by Freedom Industries. The spill occurred on the banks of Elk River in West Virginia, leaving hundreds of thousands of people without tap water. The company first reported that 7500 gallons of the chemicals had spilled into the river through a one-inch whole but had found that two weeks later, there was an estimated 10000 gallons of the toxic chemical in the river. The chemicals released include 4-methylcyclohexane (MCHM) and PPH. Methylcyclohexane is a chemical that is used in coal to reduce the amount of ash it produces(Field & Catherine, 2014). The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection are still calculating the exact amount of how much of the chemicals were spilled.
FM 4-02.285, Multiservice Tactics, Techniques and Procedures for Treatment of Chemical Agent Casualties and Conventional Military Chemical Injuries (2007, CDC Emergency Preparedness and Response, (2003, April 3). This page includes links September 18), Headquarters, Department of the Army
Emergency Preparedness and Public Safety. (2014, January 31). NC DSDHH:. Retrieved April 3, 2014, from http://www.ncdhhs.gov/dsdhh/services/emergency.htm
The Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment need the whole community to pass on information, account for population-specific factors, and acknowledge the effects of a threat or hazard. Communities have to be educated and updated on threats and hazards that they may specifically face in order to accurately plan and prepare. All situations are usually handled starting at the lowest level, however, they will also have to discuss on how the federal government will assist if needed. “By providing the necessary knowledge and skills, we seek to enable the whole community to contribute to and benefit from national preparedness.” (FEMA, 2015). Local communities recognize their risks and conclude on how they will handle the significant amount of risks. Local governments discover and address their greatest risks by finishing the Threat and Hazard
There are two primary hazards associated with flammable and combustible liquids: explosion and fire. In order to prevent these hazards, this standard addresses the primary concerns of: design and construction, ventilation, ignition sources, and storage.
Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency. (2011). Community emergency response team basic training participant manual Retrieved from http://www.citizencorps.gov/cert/downloads/training/participantmanual/PM-Combined.pdf
"Personal Protective Equipment." Rutgers School of Public Health. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2014. .
United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2013). Developing risk communication plans for drinking water contamination incidents. Retrieved from http://water.epa.gov/infrastructure/watersecurity/lawsregs/upload/epa817f13003.pdf
Hazardous material accidents are common in warehouses and industries, the employ should provide a safe place to store the hazardous material, and the workers should have a good knowledge about how to response with that accidents and how to use the correct PPE and what control measures should be taken in that kind of accidents.
Regulation compliance, employee safety, fire safety, ergonomics, industrial hygiene, hazardous waste removal, training procedures, and management relations are samples of features taken into consideration during a Safety Major’s day. Though there are numerous specializations safety professions can choose, a base knowledge in all fields is essential for a successful career. Therefore, I intend to pursue a continuation of safety certifications that will demonstrate a persistent ability to learn about my career. For the initial duration of my profession, I hope to obtain an Environmental Health and Safety specialist entry level position for an established organization. If the opportunity arises, I will promote within the same organization until