Hazardous Materials Incident Response

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Hazardous materials can be important in everyday life when properly handled. However, when improperly handled, they can result in injury, death, and destruction as well as have lingering effects that may last for years to come. To address the risk of an uncontrolled hazardous materials release, there must be a coordinated effort to identify, locate, and quantify the hazardous materials in a particular location (Drexel University Safety & Health, 2001). Typically, industry and government agree that a hazardous materials incident is one where • The intentional or accidental release of a hazardous material is responsible for major injury or fatality • The release of the hazardous material or exposure to the fire that ensues results in the need to evacuate 25 or more people • Closure of a major transportation hub as a result of the release of the hazardous material • The hazardous material is radioactive or a biohazard • Whenever there is a release of over 11.9 gallons or 88.2 pounds of a severe marine pollutant, or hazardous material (Hazmat Incidents and supplies, n.d.). Any single organization or group cannot solve hazardous materials response planning successfully. Rather it must be accomplished through the efforts of local, state, and Federal authorities and in cooperation with the private sector. Because of various limitations, one cannot prepare for every type of release, however, the plan can be written to address those releases that can most likely occur. Regardless, hazardous materials response plans must be designed to minimize hazards to human health and the resulting environment during the intentional or accidental release of a hazardous material. The plan should be written under the authority permitted b... ... middle of paper ... ...(2001, March 15). Drexel Safety and Health. Retrieved June 3, 2010, from Drexel Safety and Health: www.drexelsafetyandhealth.com/hazmat/hazmatplan.doc Hazmat Incidents and supplies. (n.d.). Retrieved June 3, 2010, from Safety Supplies-Work Gloves-Spill Containment-Janitorial Supplies: http://www.bestvalsup.com/v/vspfiles/hazmat_response_tips_and_supplies.asp Pennsylvania Small Business Development Center. (n.d.). Emergency Response Planning: Disaster Preparedness for Small Businesses | pasbdc.org . Retrieved June 3, 2010, from Helping Businesses Start, Grow, and Prosper | pasbdc.org : http://www.pasbdc.org/index/resources/emergency.asp#envemergency Washoe County LEPC. (2006, March 1). Washoe County Local Emergency Planning Committee. Retrieved June 3, 2010, from Washoe County Local Emergency Planning Committee: http://www.washoelepc.com/pdf/Section1.pdf

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