Flourishing Homework

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Tick! Tock! The seconds ticked audibly past. Outside, the night sky was pitch black. A dog barked, the sound echoing in the distance. I sat, trying wearily to stay focused at my desk, watching as my pencil moved furiously across the paper. As the precious last few hours slipped away, I let my hand rest for a moment while I wondered when it could be finished. A few moments later, I snatched up my pencil again and resumed my writing. Another hour passed. Finally, hope blossomed like light at the end of a seemingly interminable tunnel. I was coming to the last stretch… done! Exhaustedly, I sorted out the multitude of papers spread out across my desk, making sure all was in order for the next day. Enervated by the myriad of assignments I had attempted to complete that day, I then fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow. Unfortunately, many students around the world face the same challenges and circumstances. After some deliberation, they make the decision to stay up late, working against the clock, in order to finish homework. But, the dilemma is, should they? Theoretically, no. Staying up late can potentially result in health issues, low grades, and poor quality of life, as well as many other side effects.
To begin with, not getting enough sleep can lead to chronic diseases …show more content…

Studying late at night when you are half-asleep anyways and want nothing more than to turn out the lights and fall fast asleep in your fluffy bed without a care or worry in the world does not actually help your grades. The truth is, studying at night is unpractical and the memories of the material studied will be evanescent. In fact, doing homework when your mind is not at its best will lead to poor homework quality and low grades, as well. Productivity levels will also be at their lowest when you are fatigued, and it is easier to make careless

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