First Relationships

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First Relationships

Hobson 1993 argued that babies come into the world with an eagerness

to relate to others. Relationships with significant others are

important to our psychological life. Relationships between children

and their caregivers are also important for not only their physical

but emotional needs as well.

The relationships that build between infant and caregiver is vital for

the development of the infant in their future as adults.

In the weeks after they are born babies have limited abilities to

interact with adults who look after them but as they get older they

become more and more equal partners in creating and upholding their


There are many different aids that contribute towards the development

and enhance relationships. Three main features of early development

are meshing, scaffolding and imitation. Each contributes to early

development of the infant. Many psychologists through research have

used these aids to make claims or object about the abilities of

infants to interact with caregivers.

Meshing is the behaviour that adults and infants undertake when

forming early relationships. During interaction each individuals

behaviour seems to fit in with the others. Both child and caregiver

seem to smoothly integrate with each other and each persons

contribution fits in with the others. Turn-taking is a prominent

feature of meshing dominantly lead by the caregiver. Mutual action

occurs of expressions and signals of emotion. Meshing can be verbal or

non-verbal with body language like nods and eye contact that signal

ongoing attention. Both infant and caregiver do ...

... middle of paper ...

...Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

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