Field Observation In The Classroom

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For my field experience, I wanted to observe a teacher who has been working in the special education setting for several years and is considered a veteran amongst her colleagues. Mrs. Brown Is a special education teacher, who teaches primarily 7th ELA in the co-teach setting and resource setting. Mrs. Brown has been a huge influence on my career so far and until this year we shared a room providing supports to 6th graders at the school we teach at. She handled ELA and Social studies supports and I handled Math and Science splitting up the 6th-grade caseload amongst us. This year she moved up to teaching 7th grade that allowed me to view her class during my planning. I observed her, in her 7th ELA resource classroom setting. I felt that this was very beneficial for me, because, I got to witness instructional strategies that I can apply in my math …show more content…

I was very fortunate that Mrs. Brown let me observe her because she provides support as you expect from a veteran teacher would provide.
In the time I got to observe Mrs. Brown, she went through the eligibilities of her students and explained to me the types of services they require and she provides to her students. I was aware of these student’s because I taught them last year, so the students were comfortable enough with me to act as if I wasn’t observing the class. There were 7 students in her class. Three student’s eligibilities were Learning Disability (SLD), three were Other Health Impairment (OHI), and one student’s eligibility was Autism. The instances I observed her classroom, Mrs. Brown used a variety of teaching techniques to allow her students to access the grade level standards to the best of their abilities. Techniques such as grouping, center-based learning, and

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