Family Portrait Analysis

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My family has never been surrounded by a white picket fence. The song “Family Portrait” explains the dilemmas that the writer, Alecia Beth Moore, better known as Pink, experienced during her parents ' divorce. The song portrays the negative effects a separation or divorce can amplify onto a young child. My parents are still married, yet they continue to debate about pointless topics. As a result of these quarrels, my parents separated when I was 9 years old, my father remained in New York while my mother, sister and I settled in Florida. We have never been your ideal family, we argue, criticize, and disappoint one another, even if we do love one another. The message that is being shown is that in their family portrait, outsiders see a perfect, loving family, when in reality, her parents are continuously in a battle in which …show more content…

This song displays the relationship between a child and her family and the conflicts that occur during a separation. I feel that the author delivered the message with a pessimistic tone which left me feeling dismal. This song upsets me whenever I hear it. I get goosebumps when I listen to this song due to the connection I feel to its lyrics. The message that Pink relays through her music spoke to me on a level that other songs do not. The author wrote this song to portray her feeling of distress during her parents’ divorce. People see what they want to see, and hear what they want to hear. Nobody wants to know about the arguments and hardships that goes on behind closed doors. They want to see smiling faces, not broken hearts. People want to hear about the promotion you got at work, not about the grueling hours you spent instead of with your family. Society has a way of only seeing the good, and belittling the bad, but in reality, we only remember that time that mom and dad

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