Family structure can greatly impact the day-to-day activities of a family. A family with one parent may have a very different dynamic than one with two parents, or possibly even more parents. It is no surprise that these differences exist and families and that one’s family impacts their way of life. However, does it make a significant difference? Or is it simply a difference in how people react to their situations. That is what I wanted to learn from this assignment. My best friend is in her early twenties. She identifies as a white female. Her family life was similar to mine when she was growing up, in that she had both parents and was the only child in her household. However, her parents divorced while we were adolescents. She was blindsided by the experience and has maintained minimal contact with her father since. She …show more content…
Personally, I grew up in a more traditional family. My mother has three children from a previous marriage, who are all significantly older than I am. I had both parents in my household, and my siblings for a few years until they moved out. While we had a stepfamily dynamic, I believe that my family very strongly resembles the standard nuclear family because my father stepped up to parent my siblings. As a result, I think that I had a very smooth and easy transition to adulthood. There were no circumstances that caused me to feel like I needed to mature at an abnormally fast rate. I think that one of the strengths of my upbringing was that I learned to trust others, whereas my friend learned to value herself more than others. I began to build strong relationships with my peers and she kept them at a distance. It is only recently that she really began to let others in. Otherwise, I think that we have very similar beliefs and values. We both see the importance of being competent adults and fulfilling responsibilities, but how we get to the end goal is different for each of
family and they relate to one another, family system theory strongly suggests that family is
Lorraine Hansberry’s play A Raisin In The Sun, looks at the life of a typical African American family. The play takes place sometime after world war two, when African Americans were not treated fairly. In an interview with New York Times, Hansberry stated the purpose of the play was to “show the many gradations of even one Negro family, the clash of the old and the new, but most of all the unbelievable courage of the Negro people”. Hansberry does just as she intended, each of the family members were in different stages of life, which causes conflict between the new and old generations, but still they remain courageous during times of oppression.
In society today there tends to exist a nostalgia for the utopian family life of the past.
When I was nine years old, I lived in a multigenerational household on my mother’s side of the family. The house had lots of people inside of it and consisted of my five brothers, three sisters, mother, aunt and her boyfriend, grandmother, and grandfather. Living with twelve other people was a really fun part of my life and it made me who I am today. There were many benefits of living in this multigenerational household that I would be very beneficial to many people.
Family, a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household. Although family is a concretely defined term, the idea of family varies from person to person. But, what makes a family? For those who are surrounded by loving blood relatives, for those who have never known the one to grant them life, for those who have left their blood behind for a more loving and nurturing environment, what can commonly define a family? Family is something defined by the individual. Family includes those who you have come to love, whether platonically or romantically, those you have suffered with, those you have come to respect, and most importantly those you have cared for and in turn have cared for you. To one that could mean people who
Polish families are usually pretty crazy , but how about you mix it with Irish and Italian? Even more crazy. Lets start with my mom, Janet Uzarski (Gonnello, Pickett). My mom is pure Polish. She was born in Newark, New Jersey. My mother shared a big house with my aunt 's and uncles and of course with her sister and brother (Andrea and John). My mom was younger than her brother and sister , about 12 years between them. So when my mom was growing up and going to school, her sister , Andrea was actually her teacher! Most of my family on my mom 's side is from Newark. My aunts and uncles that lived with her became a sort of " other grandma". Some of my aunts owned bakery 's and other small shops. My mom always tells stories about going to the stores and her aunts would give her free chips. My aunts were all tough as nails but also sweet as a flowers. One of my aunts was so sick of the nuns at school picking on her that she punched her and then dropped out of school , never to return.
It was not until a few years ago, that I realized how my family had a tremendous influence on my choices of partners, communication and thinking style, as well as my sexuality and identity. Now, I have realized that learning to understand your family and who you are makes a world difference in the choices that you make in life.
When it comes to family roles, some people have only a few and some may have a slew. I, for instance, only have two roles. These roles came to me when I was about fifteen years old, when I was just starting high school. I would consider me as the youth leader and motivator in my family. These roles allow me to interact with my family to a great extent and more importantly pay attention to my elder relatives when they have something to say. By generating a youth leader and motivator role, it makes me eager to assimilate the family history the elders in my family give me.
Above is my immediate family, which is graphed by simple facts into this genogram. All of the information that was included into this genogram was known information. Since all of these family members are still alive, it made it easier to compile this information. Each specific family has its own dynamic. With my parents and brother, we are not that tight-knit; I don’t share every inch of my life and haven’t for many years, but equally they do not ask. Whereas, my mother and her brother along with her parents are very tight knit. They share everything and do a lot of things together, while being more conservative with their actions and behavior. They are always on their best behavior. On the flip side, my father and his parents and
As we know, the family life cycle refers to different stages of person’s life from childhood to retirement. In each stage, people face challenges in the family life that allow them to build or gain new skills. No one can pass through those stages smoothly and without concerns with financially problems, disease and issues from family members. Rather, the lifespan cycle means people development process from prenatal to late adulthood. The similarities are both of them had physical and mental development, also meet the different challenges in the different stages. What is more, I believe that family members are indispensable element could affect people life, whatever in the family life cycle or the lifespan cycle.
How can a simple six letter word be so complicated to define? Family is a single word that is open to many interpretations depending on the individual. If you try to condense this ideal to a single clinical definition you end up excluding numerous members of society. What comes to mind when you think of the word family? While in the most broken down and literal sense, family means a relative with a blood or legal bond, the word family can encompass blood relations, adoptions, and even intentional relationships such as friendships. Economies, cultures, and backgrounds can further differentiate what one’s perception of a family is. For many people, including me, a family is so much more. It is the amount of commitment, cohesiveness, and importance
Everyone seems to define family differently, however, the significance of family is the same. For you, family means everything. You can always count on your parents and siblings for help and love. Family is very valuable and important to you and should never be taken for granted. No one can deny that family is the foundation of our generation. A family is where we all start our life journey and helps us grow to be successful throughout our lives.
The social institution I have chosen to address is that of family. An individual’s family life, both past and present, can have such a big impact on a person’s life in both a positive and negative manner. It is how we as individuals chose to handle life changing situations that will shape our lives and those around us. Family is such a fascinating social institution to study because every individual comes from a different family background or has a different experience than that of a sibling. You can learn so many things about a person by looking into their family background, origin and what type of up brining they had.
Everyone is born into some form of family, with the family taking the responsibility of nurturing, teaching the norms or accepted behaviors within the family structure and within society. There are many types of families, which can be described as a set of relationships including parents and children and can include anyone related by blood or adoption. Family is the most important, “for it is within the family that the child is first socialized to serve the needs of the society and not only its own needs” (Goode, 1982).
There are so many different types of family relationships. Whatever form a family takes; it is an important part of everyone’s life. My family has played an important role in my life. Good family relationships serve as a foundation to interactions with others. Supportive families will help children to thrive. The quality of the family relationship is more important than the size of the family. Making the relationships priority, communication, and providing support for one another is key to developing relationships. Family relationships are what make up our world today; they shape the ways that we see things and the ways that we do things.