My Family As A Social Institution Of Family

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The social institution I have chosen to address is that of family. An individual’s family life, both past and present, can have such a big impact on a person’s life in both a positive and negative manner. It is how we as individuals chose to handle life changing situations that will shape our lives and those around us. Family is such a fascinating social institution to study because every individual comes from a different family background or has a different experience than that of a sibling. You can learn so many things about a person by looking into their family background, origin and what type of up brining they had. My family experiences has shaped who I am today and has given me the base for my strengths and has also shaped what I would say are my weaknesses. Being raised in a low-income working class family we had many struggles to face as I was growing up. There were …show more content…

I always assumed I would do the same, but after seeing my parents’ marriage fall apart and my Mom struggling with the new change in her life and feeling as if she was lost and had no skills to get a job and provide for herself, she felt as if she had lost everything. I did not want that. Luckily, my brother and I were pretty much all grown and headed out on our own. Seeing how my Mom struggled with no education and no job experience I made sure I did not follow in her footsteps by working at an early age and getting my Cosmetologists license. All of the experiences I had up until this date have made into the person I am today. I am very good at appearing confident, and in some area of life I am. I have extreme compassion for those who cannot help themselves and those that struggle to fit in. By finishing my degree in Human Services I will be able to do just that, and in the meantime find peace and move on from own

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