Rosas By La Oreja De Van Gogh

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Music has played an important part in my life. My love for music comes from my dad. Growing up I remember him having a room full of CDs and instruments that he played daily. The songs varied in genres and the instruments ranged from pianos, violins to drums. I grew up loving almost every style of music so, it is very difficult for me to dislike a song unless, it is vulgar or “dark”. For this assignment it was very difficult to pick just five of my favorite songs but, I tried to narrow it down to the most meaningful and memorable ones. 1. CHILDHOOD. This song is called Rosas by la Oreja de van Gogh. Whenever I play this song, I can’t help but remember my childhood. My parents struggled financially but, that was never an excuse for them. They always took my brothers and I out on small adventures. One of the most memorable memories I get when I play this song is when my parents would take us out to park to have a barbecue, while my brothers and I ran through the park till we became tired and hungry. Whenever I need a break from the world, I listen to this song just to remind myself of those special moments, even though those days won’t ever return, they are memories I will always treasure. Although the lyrics have nothing to do with what I feel for this song (it is a romantic song), this was a song that I heard throughout my childhood and it became a big part of my life since then. 2. …show more content…

Love This song is very special to me, it is not only my wedding song but, a song I always wanted to dedicate to the man I married. The lyrics are everything I’ve ever wanted to express to my husband. Here is a small verse of the song translated into English: I just wanted to tell you If you don't already know that every moment I'm thinking of you, I feel those vibrations, the language of two hearts that learned to love each other The ideal way. Our love has no end. You and I made a pact with God and nothing in this world has more value, that's how this love is, it doesn't

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