Analysis Of The Family Social System

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In this academic essay I will be focusing and explaining my understanding of the Family Social System, how it interacts with other systems, how it works on the internally, but also on Murray Bowen’s family system theory, concepts and tools he has provided for future therapists in the pursuit to help family systems in crisis, how some of his views are very simular to Erik Erikson’s developmental theory stage effects and can actually mesh quite easily to assist in understanding the human psyche in individuals for both theory’s, finally I will explain briefly on genograms and how this tool can help assist in deciphering repetitive detrimental crisis and anxieties in the family system. A Family system is a social system that consists of one or …show more content…

Whatever the situation or structure of a family system, one thing is for certain, every member of the system affects one another negatively and/or positively, when one loses his or her job, all members are affected as the strain of finances builds or one falls ill, all the members are affected as they will need to help more in the home and with each other. If a member doesn’t support or mesh with their own family system and deviates from the beliefs and boundaries of the system, the system begins to falter and dysfunction creeps in causing breakdowns, breakups, abuse, neglect, emotional or physical cut-offs which in turn can put pressure on outside systems such as police/judicial, lawyers, counsellors/psychologists/psychiatrists, government institutions, healthcare, welfare. (Germov, J., & Poole, M. …show more content…

Erikson’s psychosocial stages (McLeod, S. 2008). 1. Trust verses Mistrust (hope) 2. Autonomy verses shame (will) 3. Initiative verses guilt (purpose) 4. Industry verses inferiority (competency) 5. Ego identity versus role confusion (fidelity) 6. Intimacy versus isolation (love) 7. Generativity versus stagnation (care) 8. Ego integrity versus despair (wisdom) O'Hara, D., & Meteyard, J. (2011), points out Bowen’s theory also had 8 concepts to assist in understanding where an individual is emotionally in the family

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