Explain What Kind Of Liquid Expand The Most In The Process Of Freezing

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What kinds of liquids expand the most in the process of freezing?
What kinds of liquid expand the most in the process of freezing? Experiments like this can not be done without freezing. Freezing point & temperature can very much differ. The main part about density, is about how firm it really is. But without water or any type of liquid, molecules could not manage being apart of an element. Liquids also are important because they have a vast amount of energy in every element. Research strongly encouraged that water expands the most in a great proportion of experiments.
Freezing is a big part of this experiment. When liquids freeze it becomes ice, the molecules begin to form a crystal lattice, which pushes them apart. However, when a liquid is frozen it has taken up to 9% more room than it did when it was a liquid. Another word for freezing is solidifying. But, the purity of a compound can influence at when the liquid to solid change takes place. Most substances freeze at the exact same temperature that they melt. But did you know that hot water freezes faster than cold water? As the water warms up it becomes less dense, the hydrogen bonds stretch and the molecules move farther apart when these hydrogen bonds stretch they allow the covalent bonds to shrink and release their energy. This is equivalent to cooling. So, hot …show more content…

Substances at the exact temperature that they melt. Although, every known element of mankind has a freezing point. Each freezing point varies according to the properties of the given elements. “Heavy” water will have a higher freezing point than ordinary water. So,the freezing point temperature will be higher if the pressure is increased. Also, as you add more salt to water, its freezing point drops when it’s frozen. After the liquid is frozen, the temperature of the ice may drop below 32 degrees F. Even though water regulates earths temperature. The temperature still varies according to the given

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