Gas Essays

  • The Gas Laws

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    gasoline/air type of mixture to a new volume, compared to the volume it had when the piston was rotated to the top of its socket. The typical car has a 9 to 1 compressibility ratio, but this porsche has about 7 to 1 compressibility, which can mean the gas to air mixture in the cylinder is compressed by a factor of 7. The second Property I would like to outline in gases is expandability. Anyone who has walked into a bathroom where many people have just taken a number 2, have experienced the face that

  • Gas Laws

    2455 Words  | 5 Pages

    Gas Laws Since the days of Aristotle, all substances have been classified into one of three physical states. A substance having a fixed volume and shape is a solid. A substance, which has a fixed volume but not a fixed shape, is a liquid; liquids assume the shape of their container but do not necessarily fill it. A substance having neither a fixed shape nor a fixed volume is a gas; gases assume both the shape and the volume of their container. The structures of gases, and their behavior, are

  • Natural Gas

    843 Words  | 2 Pages

    normal conditions and are known collectively as natural gas. Once this natural gas forms, it depends on two very critical characteristics of the surrounding rock: porosity and permeability. POPOSITY is referred to as the amount of empty space there is within the grains of the rock. Highly porous rocks like sandstones, on a good day have porosities of 5% to 25%. this gives them a large amount of space to store fluids like oil, water, and gas. PERMEABILITY is a measure of the degree in which the

  • Gas Law

    510 Words  | 2 Pages

    moles. These four variables can be arranged in an equation, the equation being PV=nRT. This is called the ideal gas law. One of these four variables can be figured out as long as you know the other three variables. This leads people to believe that these four variables are interdependent.

  • Gas Price

    767 Words  | 2 Pages

    low will gas go? Since the 19th century, gas has gradually become a necessity to mankind. It has been used for lighting our houses, to produce heat, to cook our food and to run our vehicles. As time passed, the price of gas has known many changes in Montreal. By the year of 2008 the price was relatively low, but suddenly became very high in 2014. This year in Montreal, the prices are as low as 3.4 US $/G. When considering the previously mentioned facts, we ask ourselves why the price of gas is low

  • Ideal Gas Law Lab

    1503 Words  | 4 Pages

    Vapor is the gas that forms from the vaporization of a volatile liquid. Dumas or vapor density was the method used and is done by measuring the mass of the vaporized liquid and the volume occupied by the vapor. Ideal gas law was the equation used to solve for the molecular mass of the unknown volatile sample. The purpose of this experiment is to determine the molecular mass of a substance from measurements of the density of its vapor. For the methodology, water was heated to boiling. Cap was prepared

  • Shale Gas

    529 Words  | 2 Pages

    natural gas from underground reservoirs has increased. Natural gas supplies 24% of the United States energy demand and is only expected to grow. Shale gas is natural gas that is found trapped in shale. Shale is sedimentary rocks that consist of clay minerals that have low permeability. Natural gas that is found in shale is buried in fractures below ground and must be extracted by hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking [10]. One of the most recognized sites for the extraction of natural gas by fracking

  • The Pressure Of A Gas Law

    735 Words  | 2 Pages

    On earth, substances tend to exist in one of three phases; either a solid, liquid, or gas. While solids and liquids have defining factors such as volume, and for solids only, a shape, gases exhibit neither of these. Gases naturally take the shape of and expand into the volume of the container, and change when placed in different surroundings. As gases are constantly moving around and colliding with the walls, they exert a force, or pressure, on the walls of its container. Pressure is one of the characteristic

  • Unconventional Gas Production

    1905 Words  | 4 Pages

    Unconventional Gas Production According to IEA, unconventional gas is difficult to technologically or more expensive to produce and it is divided into coal bed methane (CBM), tight gas and shale gas. Gas shales are fine grained, organic rich sedimentary rock. Exploitation of shale deposits proceeds through the discovery stage, drilling and reservoir evaluation to production. Shale gas is a dry gas composed of 90% methane, produced from shale formations that functions as both source for the gas and reservoir

  • Nitrogen Gas Experiment

    1036 Words  | 3 Pages

    Aim: - An experiment on how a volume of nitrogen gas is affected by the pressure exerted on it. INTRODUCTION: Gases are composed of molecules and are not held by intermolecular forces of attraction. They move about in random directions constantly colliding with one another and with their container walls without loss of kinetic energy. Thus, the collision of gases is said to be elastic since kinetic energy is not lost. As collision between gas particles become faster and more frequent, the impact

  • Gas Chromatography Essay

    1071 Words  | 3 Pages

    What is Gas Chromatography? Gas Chromatography also known as vapor-phase chromatography (VPC), or gas–liquid partition chromatography (GLPC) is most widely used analytical technique in the world; it is used for the separating and analysing compounds that can be vaporized without decomposing. Among its uses are being able to test the purity of a substance, being able to separate different components in a mixture and help in environmental contaminant identification . This can lead to GC being able

  • The Detection of Ammonia Using Gas Sensros

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    Detection of ammonia can be done using gas sensors. Examples of different application areas of ammonia gas sensing are; environmental monitoring, medical diagnostics, chemical laboratories and detection of ammonia in portable water and wastewater (Timmer et al., 2005). High concentrations of ammonia are easy to detect while for very low concentrations we require different gas sensors operating at different sensing principles. Ammonia gas sensors operate at different temperatures each having a specific

  • Fractional Distillation And Gas Chromatography Lab

    1148 Words  | 3 Pages

    Fractional Distillation and Gas Chromatography 6. Data and Results Reference Attached Pages 7. Discussion The purpose of this experiment was to identify the chemical constituents of an unknown solution and its ratio. The separation and purification of liquids can be done through 4 main methods: simple, fractional, steam, and vacuum distillation. For the purposes of this experiment, only fractional distillation was used. Fractional distillation, and other types of distillation, involves

  • History Of Shale Gas

    753 Words  | 2 Pages

    Chapter 1 Research purpose and meaning 1.1 Concept Shale gas is a kind of unconventional nature gas, which is trapped or gathered in the dark shale or carbon rock. The rock layer has low permeability and low porosity, which means that the best way to get this recourse is fracturing to enhance connectivity and porosity. The shale gas reservoirs are mainly located in North America, Central Asia, China, Latin America, Middle East, North Africa and Russia and other countries and regions. The United State

  • Natural Gas Essay

    1195 Words  | 3 Pages

    important role in every country’s economy. Natural gas is the cheapest fuel, relatively cleaner, lower in density as compare to the other fuels, easier to transport and versatile in nature, makes it more attractive for the consumers. Natural gas market will be dominating the world’s economy and politics in the future. According to the world’s energy statistical figures, the current gas reserves in the world is …….. The discoveries of Natural gas in specific areas of the world, high capital intensives

  • Gas Tank Problems

    811 Words  | 2 Pages

    No matter how it happened, water in the gas tank of a car is a serious problem. Left untreated it can quickly do thousands of dollars of damage. There are a few things that can be done to prevent water in the tank. If water is already in the tank there are some treatment options. Water in The Gas Tank There are many ways that water gets into a gas tank. A tank naturally has a very small amount of water in it from condensation. Normally, this does no damage. A day with extreme temperature swings

  • Natural Gas Essay

    1276 Words  | 3 Pages

    activities: Supply of natural gas: NiSource is one of the biggest natural gas distribution companies in the USA. Company is not responsible for the production of natural gas, but rather purchases fossil fuel at the source and transmits supply thru its pipelines to industries and local costumers. Natural gas can be transported to distribution facilities in two ways: underground gas pipelines or shipped by the sea in LNG tankers. In nature during the extraction, natural gas exists as a gas, which needs to be

  • Greenhouse Gas Ethics

    869 Words  | 2 Pages

    Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the Ethics of the Individual “The most important thing about global warming is this. Whether humans are responsible for the bulk of climate change is going to be left to the scientists, but it's all of our responsibility to leave this planet in better shape for the future generations than we found it.” –Mike Huckabee, politician Do individual greenhouse gas emissions cause harm? In short, yes. Though this harm may not exactly be measureable on the individual level,

  • Gas Giants Essay

    1710 Words  | 4 Pages

    Perhaps one of the most interesting features of our fathomless universe are the planets that are classified as gas giants. Huge, turbulent, and distant, the gas giants are some of the most enigmatic features in our Solar System. I have a personal interest to the gas giants and celestial bodies in general. When I was a child, I was fascinated by our Solar System. I read innumerable books about space, and my interests of outer space had been piqued further by other forms of media. Although I held this

  • Coal Seam Gas

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    resulted in a number of gas exploration projects in Australia (Department of Infrastructure and Planning, 2008). With Australia having potentially vast untapped reserves of coal seam methane beds it must be asked whether there are any negative impacts associated with coal seam methane (CSM) before the energy industry moves into a new technology. Coalification, the geologic process that progressively converts plant material to coal, generates large quantities of natural gas, which are subsequently