Solid Essays

  • Solids, Liquids, and Gases

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    Solids, liquids, and gases are the three main, or fundamental phases of matter. Each one has a different density and a different level of stability. What determines the stability of each phase is the bond between it's atoms. The tighter the bond between it's atoms the more stable that phase of matter is. Solids are the most stable form of matter, followed by liquids, and then gases. Solids have a definite shape and do not take the shape of their container. Liquids do not have any definite shape and

  • Solid Works Program

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    The purpose of us using the Solid works Program was to design parts such as a propeller for an underwater vehicle. Starting off by making parts such as a wrench helped build the fundamental skills we needed in order to design the propeller. Before actually following through with the steps, our group had to do research on how propellers work and the different of propellers. At the end of this project we will have a fully functional propeller for an underwater vehicle. Procedures

  • The Components Of Chocolate Solids And Cocoa Chocolates

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    flavored recipes. Chocolates have only two main components- Cocoa solids and cocoa butter. Cocoa solids is where all of the unique flavor in chocolate comes from. Cocoa butter is where the texture from chocolates come from. Cocoa Powder contain mainly cocoa solids. Cocoa solids and cocoa butter Cocoa powder contains only a small amount of cocoa butter. Cocoa powder is mainly made of cocoa solids. Cocoa powder usually contains only a small amount of cocoa butter

  • Advantages Of Solid State Drive

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    The solid state drive is a very unique piece of technology that was created in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. It is a storage device that incorporates solid-state memory and emulates a hard disk drive to store data. Solid state drives use interfaces such as USB and PCI express. It is very light, quiet and uses very little power to function, thus making it a very important piece in a modern day computer. As time goes by, there are more and more solid state drives that are found in laptops and even

  • Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

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    1984 - Game = Metal Gear Solid V: the Phantom Pain • Big Boss wakes up from the coma. He now has a prosthetic arm and a metal fragment in his head. • XOF get to understand that Big Boss is held in the hospital in Cyprus. Their goal is to eliminate Big Boss and every trace of their involvement. They send Quiet to get rid of Big Boss. • While Quiet tries to strangle Big Boss, she is interrupted by another patient called Ishmael, who eventually sets her on fire. Quiet, burst into flames, falls out of

  • States of Matter

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    whole. There are four distinct states of matter: solids, liquids, gases, and plasma. There are other states of matter such as Bose-Einstein condesates and neutron degenerate matter, but those states can only be found under extreme conditions. These phases can go from one to another when affected by certain things, which is known as phase changes. To switch from a solid to a liquid, the solid must melt. On the other hand, to switch from a liquid to a solid, freezing must occur. Furthermore, to switch

  • What is Heat?

    776 Words  | 2 Pages

    because the solid as a whole isn't going anywhere. How is that possible? Imagine a large crowd of people standing around, in line, perhaps, for concert tickets. They could be standing quietly or shoving and milling about, even though the crowd isn't going anywhere. It's like that with solid objects, which are really vast "crowds" of individual atoms, that may be quiet (cold) or may be milling around excitedly (hot). A hot (jumpy) solid contains more energy per unit volume than a cold (quiet) solid. If we

  • Freezing Point Lab

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    point is. A freezing point is defined as a temperature at which a liquid changes into a solid. A melting is the opposite of the freezing point. It is defined as a temperature at which a solid, turns into a liquid. That in order to freeze pure water, the water must reach a temperature of less then 0˚Celsius. They also must have knowledge that in order to change pure water (in the solid form) to a liquid, that solid must reach a temperature above 0˚Celsius.

  • Melting Glass Essay

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    of matter:solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. Where would glass fall within these states? Most people you ask might say it’s a solid of course. You can touch it and hit it and it will not give way to your hand. It makes up our windows and protects us from weather, so why would it not be a solid? Well surprisingly the state of glass, or the transition of melted glass to a more solid glass, seems to be a very debated subject in the science world. In fact, in Science Magazine’s 125th Anniversary issue which

  • Does It Make Ice Melt Or Melt Faster?

    924 Words  | 2 Pages

    The effect is that the freezing point lowers it causing the water more time to turn into a solid. In terms of particles, why are some substances more effective than other in lowering the freezing point? Because some substances have a strong dilute than others and dissolve more in the water. When we assessed our products in the test tube project

  • Benzoic Acid Recrystallization

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    This experiment demonstrated how to purify benzoic acid by means of recrystallization. The original benzoic acid solid sample used contained 5% salicylic acid, an impurity. Benzoic acid is of the following structure: Salicylic is of the following structure: For part 1, after boiling and dissolving benzoic acid in water, we allowed the solution to cool and recrystallize, first at air temperature and then on ice. As the solution cooled at air temperature, the benzoic acid started to recrystallize

  • Ionic Bond

    538 Words  | 2 Pages

    When ionic solids dissolve, they divide to give their positive and negative ions that make up the solids. These ions become hydrates and have the same relative proportions when in solution and when solid. The more the solid dissolves, the more the ion’s concentration increases. This increase and build-up allows for the reverse reaction to occur. In this phase of the reaction the ions crystallise out in order for the reaction to have a greater chance of occurring. Eventually the rate of dissolving

  • Experiment 13 Changes In Matter Lab Report

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    Submitted by: Jasmine Patel Group members: Elizabeth McLeod and Ashley Kozlyk Experiment #: 2 Date Conducted: Section: 4-02 Changes in Matter Objective To find out the different chemical and physical changes in a substance when in contact with another specific substance. Theoretical Background A characteristic property is a property which defines a substance Hypothesis Chalk test hypothesis A crushed piece of chalk will become a powder. Chalk and HCl hypothesis Pouring hydrochloric

  • The Concept and Measurement of Density: Lab Report

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    Measurement of Density Purpose: To gain an understanding of the physical property of density. To gain skill in measurement of mass and volume, in addition to the construction of graphs and the physical interpretation of slope. Procedure: Part 1 Regular solids 1. Use the metric ruler to determine the length, width, and height of aluminum and iron cubes to the nearest 0.5cm. 2. Use the balance to measure the mass of each item listed above to the nearest 0.1g. Part 2 Water Displacement 1. Obtain a 50.0mL

  • Analyzing Amount Of Salt Affects The Freezing Point Of Ice Cream

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    salt affects the freezing point of ice cream. Background Information Water is made of water and hydrogen molecules, when bonded, they form a crystalline structure called ice ( During the change of water from a liquid to a solid, water molecules move slow so they can’t leave the intermolecular attraction between water molecules. Ion-dipole forces occur between water molecules and a sodium ion. The slightly negative charge of oxygen in water is attracted to the positive charge

  • Internal Structure Of The Earth

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    waves P-waves and S-waves. Primary waves (p-waves) are the fastest waves, they travel away from a seismic event. Primary waves are longitudinal, they can travel through solids, liquids and gases. The secondary waves (s-waves) travel slower than the primary waves, and are traverse waves. This type of wave can only travel through solids. Measuring these waves is called seismology.Scientists have known for a long time that the lava, which comes out from volcanoes when they erupt, was from the mantle.

  • Solid My Solid Rock Analysis

    627 Words  | 2 Pages

    Music inspires me and it uplifts me, it get me through life’s challenges. At the moment is Solid Rock, sung by Tasha Cobbs and Jamie Grace, is my go to song. I like to play it over and over, and every time I hear the lyrics, “Solid, my solid rock. You are solid, my solid rock” it does something to my spirit. If those were all the words in the song that would be fine with me. Everyone goes through some sort of trial whether it is financial, relational, or health. When I listen to the song it

  • batch process of wine making

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    to avoid foaming-over during fermentation. After all of the must has been poured into the fermentors and the sulfur dioxide has been added, the fermentors should be covered with cheesecloth or plastic to keep out insects. Temperature, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, and the free and total SO2 of the must in each fermentor should be determined and the results recorded. Adding sulfur dioxide Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is a chemical compound that has been used in winemaking for more than a century

  • Gas Laws

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    substance having a fixed volume and shape is a solid. A substance, which has a fixed volume but not a fixed shape, is a liquid; liquids assume the shape of their container but do not necessarily fill it. A substance having neither a fixed shape nor a fixed volume is a gas; gases assume both the shape and the volume of their container. The structures of gases, and their behavior, are simpler than the structures and behavior of the two condensed phases, the solids and the liquids Pressure and the Law of

  • Spinel Frerrite Materials

    698 Words  | 2 Pages

    Nanocrystalline perovskite and spinel magnetic mixed oxides materials have gained immense importance due to their novel properties, which are significantly different from those of their bulk counterparts [1]. Nanocrystals of spinel ferrites, with general formula MFe2O4 (where M = Ni, Cu and Zn) are most interesting class of magnetic materials due to its facinating properties such as low melting point, high spectfic heat, large expansion coefficent and low magnetic transition temperature[2,3]. Because