Food Irradiation Effects

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I- Food Irradiation A- History of Food Irradiation: Before 100 years, food irradiation process was found, however, it was considered as a safe way to process food in the second half of the last century. In addition, the first half of the 20th century was called the age of inventors this name was given to it because in that time facilities were not capable of implementing the food irradiation process. This was attributed to the lack of advanced technological capabilities. B- Negative Impact of Food Irradiation: The process of irradiating food can produce chemicals that cause harmful tumors. Another disadvantage of irradiating food is that it diminishes the nutritional value and causes kidney and chromosomal damage. Moreover, Food Irradiation will leave some radiation-resistant bacteria which will multiply and eventually Food Irradiation will become ineffective. Irradiation doses demolish the bacteria that cause viruses, botulism and prions. Irradiated food not only causes health problems, but its factories produce toxic waste which causes chronic diseases to the labors. This issue is adding to the already radioactive wastes which are destroying our atmosphere and causing global warming. C- Positive Impact of Food Irradiation: One of the only few positive impacts is that irradiated food can be kept fresh for longer time which makes the transportation of food easier to further distances in remote areas. Moreover, the change in the taste and texture of irradiated food is inconsiderable. Other solutions should be found to avoid its negative impacts. II-Other alternative solutions: A-Freezing: Freezing is one of the oldest ways to save food. Early people have discovered that cooling food could prevent it from spoil. Nowadays, fr... ... middle of paper ... ... to dry the water in the food in order to make it last longer. Dehydrating the food is by removing water molecules or moisture from the food, which prevents the growth of bacteria. Between 80 to 90 percent moisture is removed in fruits and vegetables. Thus dehydrated food is less weight than non-dried food for example 20 lbs of apples are reduced to 2 lbs if they are dried as well as the beets. It is useful for hiking, camping and for backpacking. There are three methods of dehydration. The first way is to expose the food directly to the sun in a warm day of 30 degree Celsius. The second way is to place the food in the oven and leave it until it is dry, but it is not safe in houses because of children’s existence. Last but not least is by using a food dehydrator which is an electric dehydrator take less time to dry food and it is costly efficient than the oven.

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