Marie Curie, Polonium And Radium

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One possesses the key to unlock the undiscovered mysteries of life. Leading to future advancements, the discoveries made will trigger society to benefit appreciably. For instance, Marie Curie, an influential scientist, greatly benefitted society in a variety of ways. Her unforgettable and inspiring accomplishments, such as her work on radioactivity and discovery of polonium and radium, triggered a new field of physics. Furthermore, she ignited attention towards the interior of the atom and led to her contribution during WWI.
Discovering the elements, polonium and radium, Marie Curie considerably affected society in various ways. Polonium became utilized in small mobile radiation appliances. For example, it was applied in the radiation sources that initiated heart pacemakers, which assisted the heart to beat more regularly (Felder 9). In addition, the radiation sources applied to manage static electricity contain polonium, which reduced the enormous number of fires and explosions in numerous industries. As a result, safe industries were established, preventing a multitude of deaths (Felder 9). Furthermore, radium impacted society positively as well. Since radium is capable of emitting light, it was utilized in nightlights. Moreover, health spas sprouted, pleasing both men and women. Radium mud and water arose from radium and became used in the spas (Crezo). They left the skin feeling soft and looking healthy. After a while, radium cream developed and flourished society. Furthermore, radium was utilized in chocolate, toothpaste, and makeup before the risks were revealed (Crezo). In addition, radium also emits gamma rays, which killed cancerous cells. Thus, it became used to treat medical conditions such as cancer (“Radium Uses”)

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...ute tries to treat and fight cancer, which hopefully will save abundant lives. Safety rules were set up for the workers because radium was a dangerous element to deal with. They had to wear lead shields on their hands to prevent from any harm and damage (Huso). In addition, the Curie Institute manages with 13,000 patients every year. Furthermore, the institute provided a job for 3,200 collaborators (“Marie Curie Charity Gala 2013”).
Marie Curie affected society in the past as well as today. Thus, she is known as one of the most influential women of all time. Her unforgettable achievements have left a permanent mark in history. Her hard work, which led to her fantastic efforts will always be treasured in one’s heart and mind. All in all, Marie Curie’s outstanding accomplishments altered society in a positive way, which should be rewarded with a standing ovation.

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