Examples Of Racism In Australia's Multicultural Mentality

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Australian’s multicultural mentality is a disguise for the racism undermining our society, Kate Doherty investigates.
Does the 2008 ‘Sorry’ speech by former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd surface when the words ‘racism’ and ‘Australia’ are mentioned in a singular sentence?
The historically momentous apology, which so proudly united both Aboriginal and White Australia, is one that is thought to have eradicated the flagrant ‘r’ word from Australian society for good. But once these buoyant headlines slipped from front-page, breaking news to brief updates on the occasional gossip column, so did our resolve to quell our prejudicial nature, so deeply ingrained in our history and mentality.
Australia’s reputation as a relaxed, easy-going culture in modern society is one that is well known worldwide. Boasting one of the largest and most popular tourism industries and attracting millions of tourists annually, our claims of …show more content…

This ignorance, promoted by many of Australia’s most prominent figures, is reflected throughout our society as a rooted and unquestioned attitude. Former Prime ministers John Howard (in 2005) and Kevin Rudd (in 2010) have both dismissed the existence that “there is underlying racism in this country”, believing that “racism is not at work in Australia”. Even following numerous attacks on Indian exchange students, the Australian Government was quick to dismiss the contingency of racism as a contributing factor towards why these young victims were targeted.
Our own Government has even previously endorsed racism. Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party in the late 1990s enjoyed nationwide support for her racist policies, revealing Australia’s deeply-entrenched racial angst.
Resonating in political debates and policies for years onwards, Hanson’s populist rhetoric has noticeably impacted on our current racial tone, spawning a number of Clive Palmer-esque tirades from public figures and general members of

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