The first question posed in the survey that teachers in my school district were asked to respond to dealt with the basic procedures for school discipline. The question dealt with asking teachers to respond to the question that asked if teachers felt if any staff member were doing things that were not consistent with the main objectives of the school’s discipline program, or are focused on discipline issues that may not be important. The other alternate option available to the respondents, was that the school’s overall objectives as they dealt with discipline was clear, everyone’s efforts were directly related to accomplishing goals and that the team was able to set priorities by referring to objectives. The results of the survey indicated …show more content…
The question posed in the survey dealt with the employee’s perception on whose responsibility it is for discipline issues, and collaboration on discipline responsibilities. The analysis of the results in response to the question revealed a strong belief among staff members( 80 % or 4/5 members) that each of them are sure of their responsibilities they have and what the responsibilities of other staff members are when dealing with discipline issues. Staff member feel that they are able to have discussions with other staff members and the administration regarding discipline concerns and that their input is valued. The Staff faculty view determining discipline responsibilities as both individual and as a team and feel that the environment is conducive for interaction among staff and administration in discussing individual and group discipline responsibilities. Staff members felt supported by other staff members and the administration in application of discipline in both their classrooms as well as in the school commons. 1/5 (20%) of the staff still feel somewhat confused in the responsibilities of staff in school wide discipline issues. The main comment that the respondent shared dealt with legal issues of who to call; the police or resource officer when they had to handle a smoking on campus issue with an eighteen old senior. Overall, the staff feels they are able to develop and handle discipline policies and responsibilities with little assistance from the administrator. On a positive note, the administration has enabled the staff to come up with individual and group discipline responsibilities and supports their beliefs. In Kathleen Cotton’s article, “Schoolwide and Classroom Discipline” the author discusses that effective school leaders delegate the discipline authority to teachers so they feel empowered
A new policy is needed and most certainly should start out with holding schools to handle their own discipline situations, rather than relying on school security and police (Wilson, 2014). School administrators must be able to differentiate between what is a true discipline situation and when a student simply made a mistake. The rate of school suspensions have skyrocketed over the last thirty years from 1.7 million nationwide to 3.1 million and growing today (ACLU, n.d.). Each school needs to create policies of when to get school security involved and what the school’s security job involves. Unless there is a true threat to the safety of the school and/or its student’s law enforcement should never be called (Wison, 2014). The instinct to dial 911 at every infraction has to stop. Furthermore the schools must develop a gender and racial fairness; black children should not be receiving harsher punishments for similar infractions of white students (Wilson,
Another major reason why juveniles are ending up in the juvenile justice system is because many schools have incorporate the zero tolerance policy and other extreme school disciplinary rules. In response to violent incidents in schools, such as the Columbine High School massacre, school disciplinary policies have become increasingly grave. These policies have been enacted at the school, district and state levels with the hopes of ensuring the safety of students and educators. These policies all rely on the zero tolerance policy. While it is understandable that protecting children and teachers is a priority, it is not clear that these strict policies are succeeding in improving the safety in schools.
Schools inevitably must deal with disciplinary action when it comes to misconduct in students. However, at what point should the courts and law enforcement intervene? “Zero tolerance” policies started as a trend in the school setting during the 1990s in “response to the widespread perception that juvenile violence was increasing and school officials needed to take desperate measures to address the problem” (Aull 2012:182-183). However, national statistics indicated a decrease in juvenile’s share of crime during the influx of zero tolerance policies in schools (National Crime Justice Reference Service 2005).
Teachers no longer have the opportunity to discipline their students in fear of violating the student's rights. Students now dictate how classrooms are instructed. Teachers must be aware of their physical contact and ethical topics that can lead into false allegations. How can a student learn in this environment? Teachers need the ability to discipline students. Evicting the fear of lawsuits from teachers makes for a more productive atmosphere. The classroom is not the only place where safety and responsibility are weakened. Playgrounds have been...
Did you know that over two thirds of special education students receive services for non-mental health issues, among these students 17% have serious behavior as well as emotional issues compared to over 51% of special education students with mental health issues and 4% of students not in special education (Pastor and Ruben)? My research paper will first explain what Special Education actually is and it will focus on the issues that arise when disciplinary actions are called for and what is to be considered the most appropriate and effective forms of discipline in special education. It will also cover the most common issues that arise in special education as well as what strategies are effectively administered to solve these issues. My research paper will also take an in-depth look into special education students with non-mental health issues. It also will look at some misconceptions of special education students.
Dealing with discipline at the middle school level is a top priority for an administrator therefore, I have learned that it is important that I understand the process when working with students. All students have due process,
Kounin, J. Discipline and group management in classrooms. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1977.
Parents never really give their teens enough credit these days. A teens mistake is a parents reason to bring the whole world down on us. Support and comfort may be the only thing we teens want, but it’s the only thing most of us don’t get. Being a teen is one of the hardest periods of any single persons lifetime. Among all things, school; (specifically the hallways) is generally what stems all teen anxiety and stress.
In the 21st century, teachers experience many behavioral issues with students in the classroom and face challenges that are very difficult to resolve. School districts have different expectations about how students must behave during school and teachers have their own expectations about how students must behave in their classroom. Every educator has different classroom expectations and students must follow specific standards; therefore, the responsibility of the teacher is to discuss the standards with all students and make sure those expectations are clear. According to Jones and Jones (2016), teachers whose students made greater achievement gains were observed establishing rules and procedures, and carefully monitoring student’s work. In
I recently took a course on cooperative discipline and found that many of my own beliefs and practices involving discipline in the classroom were validated and reinforced throughout the class. Students do choose how they will behave and the best way (maybe even the easiest way) to get them to make the right choices in the classroom is to foster a feeling of mutual respect and to give them a sense of responsibility or classroom ownership. Kids want discipline, or maybe to put it differently they want structure and predictability. And the nice thing about Linda Albert’s cooperative discipline model is that it gives the students exactly what they need. But what are our responsibilities? Linda Albert tells us that “the ultimate goal of student behavior is to fulfill a need to belong”, so it is our job to fill that need by helping the student to feel capable, connected, and able to contribute (in a positive way) to the group.
Every now and then we don’t meet our own expectations, whether it was not getting the score you wanted on a test or getting the promotion you wanted at your work. Was it because your IQ wasn’t high enough to reach your expectations or was it because you lacked self-discipline. Contrary to the popular belief that IQ determines academic performance some people have, self-discipline exceeds IQ in predicting academic performance. The purpose of this paper is to define self-discipline, discuss the statement that self-discipline outdoes IQ in predicting academic performance and provide strategies to maximize self-discipline in a tertiary learning environment. First, this paper will define self-discipline. Second, it will discuss the statement Self-discipline outdoes IQ in predicting academic performance. Finally is will provide strategies to maximize self-discipline in a tertiary learning environment
School climate has been studied for over 100 years.Until the 1950s, educators began to systemically study it, and there has been a growing body of research on the effect of school climate on education over the past 10 years . According to H. Jerome Freiberg (School Climate: Measuring, Improving and Sustaining Healthy Learning Environments, 2005), “School climate is much like the air we breathe -it tends to go unnoticed until something is seriously wrong”. School climate influences our education a lot. It is invisible, but necessary.There are many definitions of it. In the article “Measuring, improving and sustaining healthy learning environments”,Freiberg and Stein (1999) describe school climate as the heart and soul of the school and it draws the teachers and students attentions to participate the school. According to Homana,Barber,and Torney-Purta(Background on the school citizenship education climate assessment, 2006), “School climate refers to the impressions, beliefs, and expectations held by members of the school community about their school as a learning environment, their associated behavior, and the symbols and institutions that represent the patterned expressions of the behavior.” It made the definition more detailed. In the article “Student and teacher perceptions of school climate: A multilevel exploration of patterns of discrepancy”, Mitchell et al (2010) states that school climate is defined a communications between students and teachers to share attitudes, values ,and knowledge. It refers to the quality and character of school life.[1] Researchers have found that positive school climate can affect many areas ,such as decrease the students’ emotional problems (Kuperminc et al., 1997), help urban students succeed i...
Before such things can be implemented, there is some specific ground work and strategies that must be done within the schools before situations or dealt with and handled. In this groundwork, principals are vital in the success of the program they implement in their schools (Ballard, Argus & Remley, 1999). They are the conductors of each category needed in a successful program. Principals must hold students and staff accountable for their roles in changing the climate of the school and they must allow for the time and manpower implementing a new program will take. Gil (2002, p. 73) explains that first a solid code of conduct must be in place and operating smoothly. These clearly stated rules are to be communicated to all students and staff what the expectation is for behavior and they must be “enforced without
My experience with school was very challenging and overcoming my personal struggles was not an easy feat. I started Kindergarten with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and I’m thankful that my preschool teacher recognized my learning challenges and encouraged my parents to have me evaluated. We found out that I had ADHD and learning disabilities that would make academic achievement a challenge for me. More specifically, I had difficulty decoding words and pronouncing some letter sounds such as “R’s” and “W’s”. As a result, excelling in school was a challenge due to my disability and the reaction of other students to my disability only made it more difficult.
Of course, classroom management also includes discipline and corrective methods. In my situation, I feel that giving students behavioral boundaries and setting high behavioral