Essay of Definition-Social Pressures of School

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“Essay of Definition”-Social Pressures of School

Parents never really give their teens enough credit these days. A teens mistake is a parents reason to bring the whole world down on us. Support and comfort may be the only thing we teens want, but it’s the only thing most of us don’t get. Being a teen is one of the hardest periods of any single persons lifetime. Among all things, school; (specifically the hallways) is generally what stems all teen anxiety and stress.

The hallways of Olympic High School is one full of intense motions and movements. As soon as you enter the massive snake-like hallway, your world suddenly becomes a enormous jungle. Its either hunt or be hunted in a school of diverse people. Anything you do or say could greatly affect how people perceive you to be. A teenagers “Rep” is single handedly the most significant part of their years of high school.

The very second you enter the hallways your eyes begin to expand and dialate at a faster pace. You begin to notice the various cliques in specific locations of our hallways. One very noticeable group are the Asians; they make up the majority of the schools ethnicity. The Asian cliques tend to band together in front of lockers. These groups can be very intimidating and space consuming for such puny hallways.

Every school you go to has their own set of jocks. These sport-lovers can ...

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