Essay On Indian Handicraft

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INDIAN HANDICRAFT INDUSTRY A handicraft more precisely expressed as artisanal handicraft or handmade, is any of a wide variety of types of useful and decorative works which are made completely by hand or by using only simple devices. It is a traditional activity, which applies to a variety of creative and design activities with one’s own hands and skills, including work with textiles, mouldable and rigid materials paper, plant fibres, etc. Usually the term is applied to traditional techniques of creating items that are both practical and aesthetic, whether for personal use or for products. Handcraft originates from the countryside pursuit, the matter-goods pre-requisite, of age old civilisations, and many specific crafts have been practised …show more content…

Some of the most popular crafts are metal work, earthenware, pottery, sculpting, wood work, hand printed textiles and scarves, shawls, zari products, stone carvings, and jewelleries. Today, whatever status Indian handicraft industry has in the market, owes to the rich crafts history and traditions of the past of the country. Majority of the handicrafts from the ancient times continues to proliferate due to their serviceable characteristics, availability to the population and flourishing in the domestic and global …show more content…

Unlike in the past, Indian handicrafts today are being nurtured by different government and non-governmental organizations. The area is monetarily dominant from the point of view of less money investment, and high potential for export and foreign exchange earnings to the country. The export stipend from handicrafts industry of India for the period 1998-99 amounted to US$ 1.2 billion. The market is developing due to the huge demand of its products. Today, there are 35 urban 'Haats' all across the country, which allows for the allotment of built-up stalls to artisans on a fortnightly rotation basis at nominal

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