Essay On Identity And Leadership

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I strongly believe the identity of an individual influences their leadership practice. Identity is rooted from the core of one’s beliefs, perspectives, and values, thus shaping actions, procedures, and protocols. In other words, “Identity integrates the meanings behind these skills and knowledge and informs the rationale for performing the role” (Scribner & Crow, 2012, p. 243). Self-identify sets in motion a series of actions that construct leadership practice, influencing decisions while guiding instruction. My perspective on identity stems from my personal life experience, shaping my ways of thinking and carving my career path. At the age of fourteen, my life changed dramatically, as my mother’s health began to deteriorate. It was a typical day for my mother and I, as we decided to go to the Pomona Fair with additional family members. At the fair my mother began to experience extreme pain in her abdomen, which was a direct result of a gallbladder infection. We decided to leave the fair so that she may receive medical attention. That night my life changed …show more content…

My identity and my personal experiences have driven my desire to become an advocate for individuals with disabilities. Providing a voice to the often voiceless has become my passion, driving my leadership practices and shaping my principals. My mother is no longer with me, for she has found her peace, however I take comfort knowing I can help change lives in those who have lost their way. Helping individuals realize their full potential has been a gift and I am grateful for every opportunity and every exceptional person I meet. I absolutely feel identity influences leadership practices, however it is imperative for educational leaders to reflect on their own identify and how it may impact others. Implementing leadership practices with the intentions of aiding in others wellness is

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