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Importance of forgiveness essay
An Essay under the topic . the importance of forgiveness
An Essay under the topic . the importance of forgiveness
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Forgive and Move Forward
Forgiveness is a critical aspect that every Christian leader must learn. In our daily life we all experience a situation that creates animosity and discontent towards another person. No matter who is right or wrong, harboring feelings of contempt and anger are sure ways to make your life miserable. It is vital that we as Christian’s take the time to learn the importance of forgiving and reconciliation. In order to grow and prevent future conflicts, we must learn absolve and settle past situations. This paper will compare and contrast the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation when resolving conflicts as Christian leaders.
Forgiveness is discussed throughout the bible and is one of the greatest life lessons that God teaches us when dealing with conflicts. Imagine living by the saying an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. If we followed this, everyone in the world would be blind and toothless. God forgave us and He has given us the ability to forgive others. Emotional and physical pain caused by others can affect our ability to truly forgive. Most of the time we want to let our
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feelings of anger, hatred and resentment affect our judgment, which is the worst thing as leaders we can do. Anger is a natural reaction, but it is also a sin. We have to forgive each other as God forgave us and not allow the devil to take control of our feelings (Ephesians 4:26). When we forgive, we let go of our bad feelings and can allow the reconciliation process to start. Reconciliation The tough thing about reconciliation is that it can only happen if both parties are willing to forgive and resolve their differences. However, once true forgiveness happens between all parties, the reconciliation process blossoms. When people realize they are not perfect, they gain the ability to stop the madness and return back to building healthy relationships (Smalley, 2007). As Christian leaders we must understand the importance of ensuring reconciliation happens as it will repair the broken relationship as well as rebuild the broken trust that occurred. All parties must use active listening skills with reconciliation. In doing so, it will prove that they are truly trying to resolve the conflict and put the past behind. Differences between Forgiveness and Reconciliation The biggest difference between forgiveness and reconciliation is that forgiveness can happen without reconciliation.
However, reconciliation does not truly start until forgiveness occurs. Sometimes the issue that happened can be because of a dysfunctional behavior or inexperience, but no matter why it is important to forgive and move forward (Harvard Business Essentials, 2004). Just because one person does the right thing and forgives someone does not mean the other person will forgive in return. Christian leaders need to set an example to their employees as well as teach them the value that forgiveness and reconciliation. This will create cohesiveness in the organization, as well as help return harmony to their life. It takes a lot for someone to put their feelings aside and make the effort to start this vital
process. Conclusion Jesus was placed on this earth to die for our sins, which is the ultimate forgiveness and reconciliation process. Christian leaders must understand and teach their employees the importance of these life skills to ensure the organization continues to grow and prosper. Strive for harmony in life and show humility to others so they may see God in our life (Hebrews 12: 14). Overall, forgiveness and reconciliation go hand in hand and are needed for organizations to succeed as well as individuals to mature.
Forgiveness is a process. You can still feel the pain, see the events behind your eyes, and feel the loss of the people around you but you have to find a way to forgive. People think that if you forgive someone you are forgetting or saying hey I would hang out with this person now because we’re cool but thats not at all what forgiveness is. Forgiveness is righting the wrong for yourself because you want the injustice you feel to leave. It’s acknowledging to that there a wrong that was done to you and you decide how you want to think about it not anyone
Forgiveness and justice are very similar than we believe them to be. We believe that justice is
The motivation and tendency of people to forgive others remains an important topic of discussion. In today’s society most people at some period have experienced feeling of un forgiveness towards friend, or relatives. “Forgiveness was defined as the ability to relinquish of resentment towards others” (Baskin & Enright, 2004, p. 80).
To begin with, forgiveness is when the motivation for you to move on from the upsetting or angry moment. Some may say they need some type of honesty or karma to happen to see why they should forgive them. To elaborate, forgiveness is for yourself if you do not need proof to see they will get what they deserve. To exemplify, “I don’t need proof, I have faith.’ Simon Birch. Therefore, why would you need proof when all you need to know is that it is for you and that that person is human and makes mistakes just like you; no one is perfect. When you stay stuck on hating or being upset it
Kelley’s (1998) analysis of forgiveness explains that there are three ways that individuals forgive: directly, indirectly, and conditionally. Direct forgiveness, i.e. “I forgive you,” is most often employed within a direct discussion about the transgression at hand. Indirect forgiveness occurs when the forgiver acts in such a way that implies forgiveness without explicitly sta...
Forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoes a change in feeling and attitude regarding an offense; let’s go of negative emotions such as vengefulness, with an increased ability to wish the offender. Walter (1984) stated that forgiveness is a voluntary process that usually requires courage and multiple acts of the will to complete. In Walters' view, the person who has been hurt has two alternatives: to be destroyed by resentment which leads to death, or to forgive which leads to healing and life. Sonja Lyubomirsky calls forgiveness is a natural resolution of the grief process, which is the necessary acknowledgment of pain and loss. It is a powerful choice that can lead to greater well being and better relationships.
Forgiveness is one of the hardest things to do concerning one another’s well-being. The step of forgiveness requires us to look past the wrongs that have been done to us, and without any sort of retribution or atonement of sorts, drop that wrong-doing out of the scope of the relationship and move on. Christianity and Psychology have differing, yet surprisingly similar ways of looking at the role of forgiving one another. The agreement is obvious, Psychologists and Christians alike recognize that forgiveness has great value in preserving relationships, not just personal but communal as well. The disagreement tends to be a difference of opinion in what context forgiveness is appropriate. The question then bears itself, who is right? Should we
Justice and forgiveness are two topics that are interpreted differently by many people. Many people forgive, but many other people only seek justice. They can’t go hand-in-hand together though. People are not capable of forgiving while they also seek justice toward a person. Forgiveness is led by sorrow to a person while justice is revenge based. Many who seek justice can not resist the temptation of revenge but those who seek to forgive show strength by doing the right thing.
“For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”(Matthew 6:14-15, NIV) Husain Haddawy’s The Arabian Nights discusses many situations in which individuals learn to forgive others for the wrong that they have done against them. The Bible refers to the idea of forgiveness as an act not only for the person that has wronged you but for yourself; in order to grow, we have to forgive because if we do not, God will not forgive us. Haddawy’s literary work emphasizes the importance of forgiveness through the stories relating to the Demon and King Shahrayar.
A strong Christian lesson on the true nature of forgiveness can be found in Christ’s Sermon on the Mount:
Introduction In the Christian faith there are many beliefs and acts for the baptized Catholic to follow, such acts consist of the sacraments, for which there are seven. Many people believe that of all the Sacraments, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is one of the most complex and difficult to understand. Those who approach the Sacrament, are able to obtain pardon from God for the offenses committed against him, this enables them to be reconciled with the Church, which they wounded by their sins. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that it is called the Sacrament of Reconciliation because it “imparts to the sinner the life of God who reconciles.”
Marty, Martin E. "The ethos of Christian forgiveness." Dimensions of forgiveness: Psychological research and theological perspectives (2008): 9-28.
Forgiveness is freedom. There is a key that opens the door to healing, happiness and peace, that key is forgiveness. Forgiveness starts from you and it is the greatest gift you can give yourself. Forgiveness of both self and others is the most powerful tool we have, and it is readily attainable to all of us .Take a step of creating a kinder humanity by forgiving someone in your life. If you are convinced and ready to forgive, you may be wondering where to start. My suggestion is to start small by letting go of the grudges, bitterness and anger.
Forgiveness is the act of releasing an offender of any wrong or hurt they may have caused you whether they deserve it or not. It is a decision to let go of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group of people. When we choose to forgive, we’re wiping the slate clean, cancelling a debt, or as I love to say, “Letting it go.” In the Bible, the Greek word for forgiveness literally means to “let it go.” This concept, “forgiveness,” is easier said than done. Majority of people find it very difficult to let go of offenses and hurts caused by others. I really do believe that most people desire to let it go, but we lack the knowledge of how to do it. As believers, we are instructed by God maintain an attitude of forgiveness.
Has someone that is a close relative or friend ever been taken away and never to return? The only way you can see or speak with them is by looking at a tomb stone. This is one of the most painful experiences any human being will go through. Most people do not even realize the forgiving and not coping with the pain is a key step in healing and letting go. But if one fails to do so they will be bitter, angry and cold heart for the rest of their life.