Essay On Forgiveness And Reconciliation

601 Words2 Pages

Forgive and Move Forward
Forgiveness is a critical aspect that every Christian leader must learn. In our daily life we all experience a situation that creates animosity and discontent towards another person. No matter who is right or wrong, harboring feelings of contempt and anger are sure ways to make your life miserable. It is vital that we as Christian’s take the time to learn the importance of forgiving and reconciliation. In order to grow and prevent future conflicts, we must learn absolve and settle past situations. This paper will compare and contrast the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation when resolving conflicts as Christian leaders.
Forgiveness is discussed throughout the bible and is one of the greatest life lessons that God teaches us when dealing with conflicts. Imagine living by the saying an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. If we followed this, everyone in the world would be blind and toothless. God forgave us and He has given us the ability to forgive others. Emotional and physical pain caused by others can affect our ability to truly forgive. Most of the time we want to let our …show more content…

However, reconciliation does not truly start until forgiveness occurs. Sometimes the issue that happened can be because of a dysfunctional behavior or inexperience, but no matter why it is important to forgive and move forward (Harvard Business Essentials, 2004). Just because one person does the right thing and forgives someone does not mean the other person will forgive in return. Christian leaders need to set an example to their employees as well as teach them the value that forgiveness and reconciliation. This will create cohesiveness in the organization, as well as help return harmony to their life. It takes a lot for someone to put their feelings aside and make the effort to start this vital

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