Essay On Exercise And Exercise

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People often think that dance isn't very good exercise . And I want to prove them wrong because dance isn't just as good exercise but it also can better than other exercise in many ways and this paper will show why it is good to exercise and why dance can be better or as good exercise as other exercise. Also different kinds of exercise can impact different parts of the body and it is good to find a balance so someone can be fit in there whole body not just one part, however Also it is good to find the right kind of exercise for each person's goals.

There are so many types of exercise. There is endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility. Endurance exercise is walking, jogging or dancing and it increases the breathing and heart rate this is called aerobic exercise. It also keeps the heart lungs and circulatory system healthy. Strength exercise is lifting weights, push ups, It can make the muscles stronger, Which is also called strength training . Balance exercise is standing on one foot and standing on the heels or toes, and like standing on a balance beam. Balance is when …show more content…

It usually involves a strenuous or costly effort related to physical, exercise. It is when you push yourself a lot physically. Exercise benefits every part of the body, even the mind. Exercising causes your body to produce endorphins, which is a chemicals that can help a person to feel more peaceful, happy and helps some people sleep better. Exercise can also help some people who have low self-esteem or mild depression. Plus, exercise can give people a real sense of accomplishment and pride at having achieved a certain goal — like beating an old time in the 100-meter dash. Also exercise can help you lose weight and burn more calories. Exercise can also help obesity. Obesity is when you're overweight. Obesity increases risk of heart disease, two types of diabetes, high blood pressure, certain cancers, and other Chronic

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