Persuasive Essay: How Dance Benefits Me?

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In the beginning I had a hard time finding what topic to do because I don’t do many activities of things that relate to my life. I could only think about things with my family, but none have interesting questions. I eventually chose dance because there are many components of dance that I don’t even think about. I began to wonder; why dance? How does it benefit me? I know that while I dance my heart rate rises and I get exercise. Many of my dance teachers will tell us to keep the right form until we have muscle memory or until we don’t have to think about moving our muscles in a certain way. In one of my dance classes we had a day dedicated to our bodies, seeing what parts of the body are affected by dancing. I found that we use all of our bodies in dance, so it …show more content…

So how does dance benefit me? Dance benefits me in many ways. Physically, mentally and socially. Physically dance benefits me by giving me an exercise, improving my health, and creating superfluidity in the brain. Mentally dance creates a creative outlet and it can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Socially dance benefits me by making a place where people can meet and create new friendships. This research is important because I need to know how dance can help me. This also very helpful to me because it showed me another was to relieve stress and calm my anxiety. This research demonstrated another reason for me to stay dancing. Dancing creates a creative outlet for me, something that we don’t really have in regular life, a place to express yourself. These results give me a drive to stay in dance. These discoveries with keep me safe and healthy while I dance. In all of my research I found many benefits that will show me a bigger understanding of what happens when I dance, but I didn’t find out how dancing compares to other activities. Though not all of my questions were answered I feel like overall I know that dancing benefits me a

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