Essay About Traveling To Canada

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Many people travel to other countries, where they can learn a new language. However, when international students study English in Canada, they can face many challenges. For me, traveling to Canada to learn English was the biggest decision I have made in my life. I made my decision to study aboard because of my cousin who finished his degree in England. One day, my cousin came back from England with his degree, so his family did a party for him in their house. They invited all the people who were related to him, and his friends as well. There was a cake, music, and we as his family were proud of him. Then, I knew if my cousin had done it, I could do it too. From that moment, I decided to go to Canada to study and get my degree there. Eventually, …show more content…

After a long flight, which was almost 24 hours, I was exhausted. I arrived Vancouver at 2:00 a.m. It was dark and raining cats and dogs, and I was looking for someone who had a sign, which was my name on it, but I could not find it. I was waiting in the airport for 1 hour, until I realized that I had my homestay address with me all the time. I went outside of the airport building to look for a cab. Then, I found an expensive cab, which at that moment I had to decide between the expensive cab and the normal cab. Even though I was on a tight budget, I decided to take the expensive cab. When I arrived to my homestay, I could not stay up any longer, so I slept. The next morning, while I was having breakfast with my homestay family, I was not able to communicate with my homestay. When my homestay was talking to me, I understood what they were telling to me, but I could not reply back to them. I struggled a lot with my English, yet after a few months I was able to speak to English speakers and to reply back to them. Nowadays, I know what are the main challenges that international students will face, which is making a big decision, saying goodbye to their families, not knowing what to do in an airport, and communicating with English speakers. However, there are many challenges international students will face, but they will learn from

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