Emotional Literacy In Young Children

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Emotional literacy is to recognize, and express emotions in an appropriate way. Understanding not just our emotions, but others as well. First, I think it’s important to provide a trusting environment where children can feel that they are be able to talk openly about their feelings. In my opinion, emotional literacy is important for young children because it helps them recognize and understand where those feelings are coming from, and they will learn how to deal with them. I also think it’s important because through emotional literacy, children will develop a sense of empathy, and I feel that it’s important to teach empathy at a young age. It will also teach children life skills, and it will support children’s mental health. I found interesting the preschool RULER and mood meter because I think regardless of race, gender or language children could learn to label, recognize, understand, express, and regulate their emotions and feelings. I liked how it helps children realize that their emotions can vary from one day to another, and it will help them realize that it could be just a temporary emotion. …show more content…

When children are able to regulate these emotions, they will have the ability to stablish positive relationship with others, but if they have trouble managing their emotions misbehaviors can occur.
I’m currently not working with children, but what I used to do with my sister when she was younger, was to help her identify her emotions. For example, first we talked about different emotions, and then through facial expressions or body movements we discussed each emotion. My sister really also enjoyed “My Many Colored Days” it was a great way to connect color with

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