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Early childhood Literacy abstract
Language and literacy development preschool
Emergent literacy in young children
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Literacy is most commonly understood as reading and writing. But before children can read and write, they need to learn about sound, words, language, books and stories (Raising Children, 2015). Children begin to develop and gain knowledge quite differently and with support and developmentally appropriate learning skills children will also come to understand the connection between letters and sounds. Literacy development or early literacy is the most essential in the first three years of life as it the earliest experience children have with language, sound and the positive interactions between child and adult. Vygotsky (1978) believed in how children developed, and the important role of adults in leading child’s early development. The interactions …show more content…
that young children have with such literacy materials as books, paper, crayons and adults in their lives are the building blocks for reading and writing development as well as brain development (Zero to Three, 2003). I believe as an educator that the exposure to early years of literacy laid the foundation for children’s future literacy success and by using teaching skills and ideas to help the child along I can provided a literacy rich experience to better the children’s development.
In doing so I had chosen two activities based on the learning domain literacy, the first resource exposes the child to blocks and the second was an alphabetic sensory table, both of theses resources provided the basic understanding of how literacy can develop from play based learning. Blocks can be placed in any part of the early childhood setting either indoors or outdoor play spaces, however the sensory table can be used in any indoor play space area. As educators we all know that the first few years of any child’s life is essential to their learning, development and growth, and with theses activities we can give new meaning to the interactions young children have towards language, communication and their …show more content…
learning. Playing with blocks is a classical and timeless play material that has endured countless theories and ideologies of child development. Introducing blocks to children from 6 months and above can have a significant benefit as it helps babies learn how to talk as well as help them being to develop other developmental skills, according to Dr Christakis (cited in Wood, 2015) “ block play is fun, and it is now evident that it promotes development too”. Blocks can encourage a child to not only play but to also improve and enhance his or her social, emotional, physical and cognitive skills as well as encourage children as they get older to use it to do problem solving, symbolic thinking, spatial skills, construction and social dramatic play opportunities. As an infant blocks can strengthen the way they hold and manipulate the use of their hand, placing the blocks in their mouth they know the physical properties of the object, dropping blocks shows them the lesson on gravity and the cause and effect of knocking down a stack of blocks. When first introducing blocks to toddlers they use their per-existing knowledge that they have used as infants to expand their movement and thinking into have a better grip when holding, exploring the different colours, feeling how heavy or light different blocks feel, listen to the sound of blocks when they fall or when its banged together or against other objects and having the balance to be able to carry the blocks around. There is no shortcoming to the design and application of blocks as it can be used through all ages and development, however as an educator I need to be aware when meeting the scale for how big blocks should be for infants and how I can go up in either size and shape as the child gets older. There is also no limitation as to how blocks can be used during play, as all I need is to set it up in an area that is free from other distractions and traffic. All theses different types of blocks that can be used between the age group of 0-3 years are lightweight hollow brick blocks, fabric blocks, hard and soft plastic, homemade blocks, wooden and foam blocks and cardboard blocks. Through this resource children begin to develop their own schema and it beings develops as the child gets older, according to Piaget (1952 cited in McLeod, 2009) who called schema as the basic building blocks of intelligent behaviour- a way of organising knowledge. As children involve themselves in block play they being to develop schemas such as transporting, enclosure, trajectory, connection and positioning all such concepts happens when learning of size, object comparison, receptive language being used by educators such as soft, hard, yellow, blue, pink, pick up, stack etc. can contribute to children developing the knowledge needed. As educators we need to be aware of children’s cultural perspectives and how it is important when it comes to play and how we could use play as a means of promoting cultural awareness. By involving children with block play and introducing them to multicultural block people they are beginning to connect to not only themselves but to other children from different cultures. Rettig, (n.d) explains that the games children play and the play things they use in play are often tied to the culture in which they live and provide a way for children to practice skills. Play then, serves an important role in enculturation. From the time children are born they are surrounded with an environment of print rich words, infants learn from playing with toys and books that are read to them, however they do not notice that they are printed words around them.
For toddlers it is a learning process and the first thing they learn about print is through their sight (Cowling, 2012). As an educator we can initiate children in early literacy experiences through conversations and play. Early literacy experiences can include a range and diverse activities such play as an alphabetic sensory table that will make connections to letter recognition, writing and reading and many other pathways of literacy. By putting together a sensory table the children have fun and it involves hands on way for them to become exposed to letters. This resources involves foam shaped letters, a sensory table and some containers and scoops, the short coming of this design and application is the fact that as an educator I do not expect toddlers to know the alphabet, however by exposing them to letters early on through play, I can show them that theses letters having meaning and as they get older, not only can they recognise the letters in their names, but also names of their peers and family
members. Literacy skills start of in a child’s early years of development from infants using their vocal sounds to toddlers use symbols in different activities. As an educator it is important to be aware that before a child can read or write, they need to become familiar with concepts of letter recognition. The only limitation to such an activity would be for the babies, as the letters used are too small and soft, however this can be overcome by having larger foam letter mats placed on the floor it not only benefits babies but toddlers as well who are slowly beginning to learn about letters and as an educator teaching children of any age is the overall goal. Having a sensory table guarantees that children not only develop their literacy skills, but successfully use other developmental skills that will benefit his or her knowledge of the world. Through daily exposure to a print-rich environment, interactions and materials such as the foam letter sensory table, this activity can enhance children’s learning as they use their fine motor skills and fingers to trace the letter they are holding, educators according to Vygotsky (1978) can support a child’s greater understanding of the concept through vocal and visual recognition of the letter (example: once a child has picked a letter, point and say what the letter sounds like) this process can be repeated until the child is able to recognise the letter by his or her self. Educators can further enhance a toddlers development by watching the child play with alphabet letters, while singing the ABC song, this helps them familiarise his or her appearance of the letters (CELL, 2010). As children involve themselves in the alphabetic sensory table they being to develop schemas such as transporting, trajectory and positioning. As educators we know how early literacy development for children is closely tied between the child’s relationship and activates
The Early Literacy Skills Builder is for elementary-aged students with moderate and severe cognitive disabilities who have not acquired print and phonemic awareness. In the Early Literacy Skills Builder (ELSB) all responses have been developed for either verbal responding or nonverbal responding. Nonverbal students may use assistive technology, pointing, or eye gazing to make target responses. Guidelines are offered for promoting active student participation in reading (e.g., saying a repeated story line) and understanding the story. Students who complete the ELSB are ready for instruction in a beginning reading
… Being read to has been identified as a source of children’s early literacy development, including knowledge of the alphabet, print, and characteristics of written language. By the age of two, children who are read to regularly display greater language comprehension, larger vocabularies and higher cognitive skills than their
Jones Diaz, C. (2007). Literacy as social practice. In L. Makin, C. Jones Diaz & L. McLachlan (Eds.), Literacies in childhood: Changing views, challenging practice. (pp. 203-216).Marrickville, NSW: Elsevier.
Landers, C. (n.d.). The Talking Page Literacy Organization - Early Childhood Development from Two to Six Years of Age. The Talking Page Literacy Organization - Early Childhood Development from Two to Six Years of Age. Retrieved May 6, 2014, from http://talkingpage.org/artic012.html
Fellowes, J., & Oakley, G. (2010). Language, literacy and early childhood education. South Melbourne, Victoria: Oxford University Press.
In the study performed by Cairney and Munsie, Parent participation in literacy learning, the relationship between parents, teachers, and the community was explored in regard to their children’s literacy development. Researchers believe that parental involvement has become a term that means different things to different people, and makes expectations between parents and teachers difficult to maintain. Cairney and Munsie believe that by using the Talk to a Literacy Learner program (TTALL) they can break down the barriers between home and school “to enable both teachers and parents to understand the way each defines, values, and uses literacy as part of cultural practices.” (Cairney & Munsie, 1995) The authors of this study aim to bring parents to a place where they are more intimately involved in the literacy development of their children, and establish a stronger relationship with the schools. Through this they wish to change the nature of interactions adults have with their children as they’re learning to read and write, introduce parents to new literacy practices related to schooling, and increase involvement within the community.
The assessment is to inform a beginning teacher of the most important philosophical and developmental factors which should be considered when planning a literacy rich environment for an early years setting. As children in the early years from aged three to five require a literacy rich environment to learn and develop sound language and literacy skills. A high quality literacy environment is one that includes well designed with literacy materials and resourced, and provides effective teaching and learning practices for children to experience (McLachlan, Nicholson, Fielding-Barnsley, Mercer & Ohi, 2013, p. 102). In addition, the importance of intentional teaching, reading, writing, engaging in multi literacies and teaching approaches that would be suitable to phonological awareness would be considered to design a literacy rich environment. The role of the teacher Educators play important roles in children’s lives in
The aim of this essay is to explore language acquisition and compare and contrast different theories of language acquisition and language development. Language in its most basic form is used to communicate our needs and wants. It encompasses a range of modes of delivery including signing, spoken and written words, posture, eye contact, facial expressions and gestures. So how do we learn ‘language’? Are we born with the skills for communication, or is it something that we have to learn or have taught to us? Four theories are looked at in this essay to determine how children acquire and then develop language. These theories include behaviourist, nativist, cognitivist and sociocultural. This essay will highlight some similarities and differences in each theory and what impact these have on a child’s acquisition and development of language. Lastly we will look at the implications of these theories when working with children. Can a classroom teacher deliver a quality literacy program based on just one of these theories or does it need to incorporate components of all four? Sims, (2012) pp. 21 states ‘’High-quality learning experiences in the early years of life enhance children’s cognitive and language skills’’. This places a great responsibility on educators and teachers alike to provide an environment which is rich in learning opportunities that will encourage both the acquisition and development of language.
Introducing literacy to children at a young age is important. The child may not be reading yet but they can gain a lot from being read to; such as directionality, the front of the book, picture word relations, and even how to turn the page. Most of the children in the kindergarten classroom I am observing in are learning to read. They have small groups daily and one small group is always a reading group where the teacher and the children all read the same book multiple times. This reinforces directionality, page turning, and letter and sound correspondence. As stated in the webinar it is also important for children to be exposed to routines. In the classroom I am observing in during morning meeting, some call it circle time, the children go over their schedule for the day. Going over their schedule for the day reinforces the predictability for their entire day and children need that to feel secure about their school day.
The fact that we wait so long to start to teach our children literacy is absurd. Teaching reading and writing should be done to all children in day care facilities, child development centers as well as head start programs and preschools. We cannot however just take the programs currently used in first grade classes and apply them to children in day cares and preschools. These would be developmentally inappropriate. (Strickland and Morrow 5) The program used for these younger learners must be based around “meaningful activities that involve reading and writing in a wide variety of ways.” The children should want to participate in the literate society that they are surrounded by everyday in their classroom, home and community. If this is accomplished there will automatically be a connection between literacy and experience, which is very beneficial to the learning process. Most importantly in the early childhood literacy curriculum that we apply the focus should always be on the child’s learning and not on the teaching. (6)
IMPORTANT DETAILS/ HIGHLIGHT Reading aloud or shared bookreading is influential for early childhood it is to promote development of language and other emergent literacy skills to prepare them to school. They will learn the basic parts of reading like recognizing letters and words, turning the pages of the book, and understand the print concepts. The parents should promote awareness of sound patterns, letter-sound relationships, and storytelling. Establish vocabulary growth for children. Two parental styles were designed: describer style and the performance-based oriented style were applied to children.
SHANNON LOCKHART (2012) 'Supporting Communication, Language, and Literacy Learning With Infants and Toddlers', 26(3), pp. [Online]. Available at:http://www.highscope.org/file/NewsandInformation/Extensions/ExtVol26No3_low.pdf(Accessed: 18-Mar-2014).
This article discussed the views and opinions of both parents and teachers in regards to beginning reading. Literacy development is a major issue within early primary classrooms. Parent’s views on this were that literacy development is the responsibility of the school. The foundation of literacy definitely comes from the school but it is at home where it is practiced and reinforce and may even overarch the schools responsibility. Children whose parents are unable to assist them at home with their literacy development definitely fall out in respect to ongoing help and support. Children in my primary school classes whose parents were unable to help them struggled with their reading, word recognition and literacy skills the entire way through primary school. This shows that literacy development is not primarily the schools responsibility but the child’s parents at home also.
When you think of language the first thing that comes to mind is speech. Without speech, which is made up of letters, vocal sounds and words, we would not be able to communicate and understand each other’s needs. So in order for educators to help enhance literacy development they must take into consideration the whole classroom and how it should be designed. In this paper, I am going to create a floor plan of my current pre-school classroom and discuss how it fosters language development in the library center, dramatic play center, and the block center including an explanation of how these three areas support language acquisition.
There are many documented theories about early childhood development, contemporary research still concurs with some of these theories. It suggests, however, that we should be thinking more holistically, taking into consideration; respect for diversity, the wider community and equity, play based curriculums, intentional teaching and ongoing reflective practices when planning for optimal educational experiences for children (Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, 2009). I acknowledge that ongoing professional learning and reflective practices are a key element of the Early Years Learning Framework (DEEWR, 2009). I accredit working and collaborating with other teachers, families and local communities collectively contribute