Emerging Adulthood Vs Middle Adulthood Essay

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In your own words, discuss the difference between “emerging adulthood” and “middle adulthood.”
The difference between the stages of emerging adulthood and middle adult hood stages are marked by many changes in physical, cognitive and psychological developments. Emerging adulthood according to module 8.4 (n.d.) usually starts around about 18 years of age and extends into the mid-20’s. This stage is characterized by a period of self-discovery, after passing out of adolescence stage where young people are supported in gaining their independence, emerging adulthood is where the begin to establish their identity within society. Concentrating on their career and love interests, this is a time where young people discover who they are and what they want from life, such as family career or both. Early adult hood is marked by a peak in physical abilities between the age of 25 and 45. This stage is often where meaning is gained through career and family. This would for most be the longest stage where cognitive ability continues even physical abilities may start to fall off.
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Which theory of personality makes the most sense to you? Why? …show more content…

Bandura theorized that personality is determined by the interaction of cognitive or things learned, behavioral or anything that results in punishment or reward, and situational factors meaning environmental. All three factors building upon one another to form our personalities. This makes the most sense to me and I completely agree with Bandura’s theory of observational learning. This all makes sense, I start with certain personality traits which behaviorists do not believe in. Then I watch and learn and imitate observed behavior reaping the punishment or reward. Thus, defining what works best for me, becoming my

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