Difference Between Education And Western Education

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The term education can be expressed in so many ways. The definitions range far and wide from country to country. Some may view an education as the standard experience of attending an educational institute while others may even view it as a spiritual learning experience Therefore, the Right to Education with such definitions, maybe a tricky law to explain and compare.

To begin this paper with an understanding of foreign and the indigenous law with regards to education, we must understand the concept of education. We can broadly understand how education is viewed in the world. They can be defined into types of views the western view on education and the eastern view. This is important because the way a country shapes it’s laws are also based on the way it views the topic.

The western view on education is based on mainly the ancient Greece, even Christianity and ancient Rome view on the accumulation of knowledge. The focus on gaining more knowledge from any source whatsoever is a keen and important point to remember how education is viewed and spread. Now a huge reason for this is due
And one of the most important qualities that a man should have is humility. And this they are made to learn by accepting that the teacher is the ultimate provider of knowledge. This sets the eastern view of education apart the most from it’s western counterpart. The major difference is that the student is at the mercy of their teachers and that their own views have not reached maturity to actually actively take part in their education. This also strains teachers as they must have a carefully constructed curriculum and they must be able to answer any question on the subject. The teacher must produce every material and the student is merely an empty vessel that consumes all the knowledge given to it. They needn’t prepare in advance or do their own research for any of their

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