Developing Coaching and Mentoring Programs in the Workplace

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Coaching and mentoring has been recognised as an ever more important function within the area of human resources. Programmes developed within these areas help employees to grow, develop and learn new skills from the guidance and direction of an expert in this field. Nowadays, organisations develop and implement coaching and mentoring programmes in line with the goals of the company with the professional development of its employees. It provides benefits for not only the employee but also the mentor and the company.

In developing a well structured coaching and mentoring plan, human resource management will need to build toolkits. These toolkits will be needed in implementing and enhancing already existing practices within the workplace. They will provide guidance to management including a brief introduction on the matter and a trouble shooting section with suggestions on to resolve the matter.

What is Coaching and Mentoring?

“Coaching and mentoring are learning relationships which help people to take charge of their own development, to release their potential and to achieve results which they value.”

Coaching and mentoring are two distinct workplace functions however they are related. These functions act as methods in retaining and developing talent. They also act in attracting talent to an organisation, as an effective tool in aiding and developing employee performance. Employees nowadays now look for these opportunities to help them establish the behavioural attitudes they feel need to be adopted within the workplace and how to have the right attitudes. Coaching and mentoring programs provide the trainee with real knowledge which will bridge the gap between educational theory and actual business practices. M...

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...l further ensure the steady implementation of the programme.

Following the implementation of the programme, it is important that management continue to measure the effectiveness of this programme and evaluate the plan that has been implemented. It is also key at this stage that the team know how to maintain this programme and also ensure that it remains effective. This review of the programme should continue to be carried out on a regular basis in order to keep up to date with any changes that may be required as the needs of both the people and the organisation continue to change.


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