Describe The Importance Of Supervision In Schools

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Detailed policies and procedures in relation to all aspects of supervision and specific duties are imperative for schools. Our supervision policy needs be updated with input from all staff members to ensure that they are aware of their duties and responsibilities, inside and outside of the classroom. The principal must ensure that there are enough supervisors on the schoolyard in the morning and at lunchtime and that the supervisors are patrolling the yard. The case law highlighted in this document identify the need for an adequate number of supervisors, proper supervision procedures and reasonable foreseeability in relation to removing playground dangers. Foreseeing injuries may include placing padding on basketball poles and trees, removing trees with thorns, limiting running on wet/frost days and having strict rules for ball games or games that need equipment on yard.

As our infant classroom is located on an upper level, the importance of supervision on the stairwells is crucial when in use by pupils as the toilet is accessed by stairs. This should be a consideration for changing classrooms next year. It is also essential that the stairways are “suited for purpose” and are …show more content…

School employees who take charge of activities that require specialist knowledge or expertise must have the requisite skills in order to properly supervise that activity, otherwise the activity should not be attempted. In order to limit negligence claims, detailed planning is required based on age, skill level, and recognising student abilities and limitations. Participants must be physically capable of participating in lessons; parental instructions and IEPs should be followed to incorporate potential limitations. Plans should include safety measures. Participants need clear, detailed instructions for activities and should be warned of the known risks of an

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