Who Is Owning A Daycare Hard?

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In this essay, I decided to study people who have previously owned a daycare and how it has impacted their lives. Is owning a daycare hard? Why or why not? This was my main question throughout this process because owning a daycare is a job that is commonly looked very easy because there isn’t much work to do, however, there is a lot more going on behind the scenes that people don’t notice when dropping their children off. As a child, I went to a daycare called Stillwater Oaks Childcare, and growing up there was the best experience as a child. From an outside perspective, it seems as though owning a daycare is a simplistic job, because people are just caring for children and making sure they are safe, right? However, it is not that easy. …show more content…

The answer I received was that the kids would get there between 7:30 and 8:00. If the children were not fed breakfast at home, there was a breakfast provided. Throughout the day, there were planned activities to do in order to keep the children occupied and content. The children then continued on their day with a morning snack, which usually consisted of grapes, cheese, and strawberries. The children would then resume playing inside or outside until lunch was served. Lunchtime consisted of children retrieving their lunch boxes their parents had previously packed for them. After lunch, there would be nap time which for differ depending on the child’s age group (one year to five years). Once nap time was over, the children would proceed with a brief lesson, where the children would learn about simple addition, subtraction, spelling, shapes, and colors. After school, a afternoon snack would be provided which consisted of pears and crackers. Following snack, the children would continue to play again until the parents arrived for pick up between 4:30 and 5:30. From this brief day-to-day routine, there is a fair amount of planning that goes into each day. Therefore each day, someone has to plan activities, snacks, and decide what to teach the children during the day …show more content…

Nancy states that the children would arrive between 7:00 am and 8:00 am when their parents would drop them off on their way into work, and take the bus from her house to school and would arrive back around 3:00 pm and 4:00 pm. Nancy fed the children snacks when they get back from school while the older children would proceed to do homework in a separate room in which they could focus. Parents would arrive to pick up their children between 4:00 pm and 5:00 pm. In before and after daycare, the information presented seems to have less preparation, however, someone still feeds the children a snack and watches over

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