Curiosity In Coaching Profession

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Isn’t curiosity a wonderful thing? The more I’ve become comfortable with just being curious, the more I’ve learned. But then the more I’ve learned, the more there to be curious about. It’s a never ending cycle. Curiosity is essential to good coaching. And it’s been essential to me as I’ve explored the foundations, principals, practices, theories and processes of Coaching for Change.
My journey into the coaching profession began with general curiosity about the coaching profession. I had several encounters with executive coaches in a short window of time. Who were these people? How did they become coaches? And why would someone use a coach? As I was intersecting with these coaches, my company announced a merger. Now my curiosity was increased by a sense of uncertainty. Would I have a job after the merger? Should I start preparing for a transition career? What was my exit plan should the worst happen? Could this coaching gig be something that might make sense for me?
I sit back now, more than two years later, amazed at the different point of view I have of coaching. Through reading and lecture, by discussing and interviewing, from research and …show more content…

In the first semester, I kept the laminated card with the process close by for every coaching session both with my client and my peers. Early on, I needed this aid to identify where I was in the process and where I needed to take the conversation. But just as with questioning, by the second semester I had gained confidence and could quickly recognize where I was in the process and how I needed to navigate to a good conclusion. Processes and structure are comforting to me in my work and my daily life. The Coaching for Change process was a natural fit for me and will be the foundation for my future coaching

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