Crane Company Mission Statement

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Crane Co. Overview of the corporation including a discussion of its mission and objectives Richard Teller Crane founded Crane Co. on July 4 1855. From the beginning of Crane Co. Richard promised that, he would conduct business with strict honesty and fairness. He promised that he would not use deception or trickery and he would treat both his customers and his competitors with fairness and respect. This style of business has helped the company grow throughout the years. Many of these same principles guide Crane’s business operations today. Today, Crane’s mission statement is much more in depth than its original promise to be honest and fair. With the new mission statement, they lay out more specific goals and objectives. According to Crane’s website, their mission statement states that, “Crane is committed to the highest standards of business conduct. Within that framework, our objective is to grow Economic Value Added (EVA) by continuing to transition to a more integrated operating company. We strive to create value for all our stakeholders with a highly disciplined approach to materially strengthening our businesses through successful implementation of the Crane Business System, through strategic linkages among our businesses, and through utilization of strong free cash flow for strategic acquisitions.” …show more content…

Crane has been able to use its free cash flow to acquire several of its current business divisions. Due to its superior business strategies and strategic acquisitions, Crane was able to have net sales of 2.7 billion dollars in 2015. Crane would not have been able to achieve this goal if not for its great employees. Crane is a worldwide company and has its headquarters in Stamford, Connecticut. Within their headquarters are their human resource department, finance, legal, IT, and other leadership positions that are essential to operate and manage their

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