Continuous Improvement Nvq

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2.1 Describe the purpose and benefits of continuous improvement
It is really important to do this as it will help me to improve my skills and I can give a better performance. By doing so I will increase my skills and knowledge and it will be of benefit to the company as I will develop multi-tasking skills to provide the best quality service to our customers. This can also help advance in my career.

The benefits of Continuous Improvement:
A more effective way to work on achieving departmental goals
An opportunity for me to affect and improve how things work in the CSI
A chance to share your ideas on how to provide even better service to the general public that we try to help.
Time to stop and think about what would make my job easier and less …show more content…

The Kaizen model is a long-term approach to work that systematically seeks to accomplish small, incremental changes in processes in order to improve efficiency and quality. It can be applied to any kind of work. Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service to improve quality and productivity and thus constantly decrease costs. This model enables on the job training and helps us do a better job. It can help us work more as a team because it identifies that we must work as a team with other departments in the police, stakeholders and even the …show more content…

Explain how to carry out a cost-benefit analysis
Cost-benefit analysis is a technique used to compare the total costs of a project with its benefits. The cost benefit analysis will enable the calculation of the net cost or benefit associated with the project.
A cost-benefit analysis is critical to any project. When we perform a cost-benefit analysis, we will make a comparative assessment of all the benefits we anticipate from the project and all the costs to introduce the project, perform it, and support the changes resulting from it.
Cost-benefit analyses help us to decide whether to undertake a project or decide which of several projects to undertake, look at the objectives of the project, identify before and after actions of the success of the project and look at the estimates of the resources required to carry out the project.

2.4 Explain the importance of feedback from customers and other stakeholders in continuous

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