2.1 Describe the purpose and benefits of continuous improvement
It is really important to do this as it will help me to improve my skills and I can give a better performance. By doing so I will increase my skills and knowledge and it will be of benefit to the company as I will develop multi-tasking skills to provide the best quality service to our customers. This can also help advance in my career.
The benefits of Continuous Improvement:
A more effective way to work on achieving departmental goals
An opportunity for me to affect and improve how things work in the CSI
A chance to share your ideas on how to provide even better service to the general public that we try to help.
Time to stop and think about what would make my job easier and less
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stressful An opportunity to learn new skills A less frustrating way to get things done A better working relationship with my colleagues on my team, other departments and stakeholders. 2.2. Analyse the features, use and constraints of different continuous improvement techniques and models I am going to look at two models that will answer this question, Crosby’s 14 steps and the Kaizen model The kaizen model which we sometimes use in the Police, some other forces use different techniques.
The Kaizen model is a long-term approach to work that systematically seeks to accomplish small, incremental changes in processes in order to improve efficiency and quality. It can be applied to any kind of work. Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service to improve quality and productivity and thus constantly decrease costs. This model enables on the job training and helps us do a better job. It can help us work more as a team because it identifies that we must work as a team with other departments in the police, stakeholders and even the …show more content…
public. Crosby’s model is that any money spent by an organisation for improving quality is money well spent. The force is trying to implement this model more and more. They look at the cuts that they must make but then identify that the cuts may act as a benefit to the force. It can help improve quality and performance. I beg to differ and so does most of the Police workforce. The Crosby model is used to enable us to conform to organisational, stakeholder or the public user requirements. The model believes that quality starts with prevention and by preventing obstacles to the quality will save the force money. 2.3.
Explain how to carry out a cost-benefit analysis
Cost-benefit analysis is a technique used to compare the total costs of a project with its benefits. The cost benefit analysis will enable the calculation of the net cost or benefit associated with the project.
A cost-benefit analysis is critical to any project. When we perform a cost-benefit analysis, we will make a comparative assessment of all the benefits we anticipate from the project and all the costs to introduce the project, perform it, and support the changes resulting from it.
Cost-benefit analyses help us to decide whether to undertake a project or decide which of several projects to undertake, look at the objectives of the project, identify before and after actions of the success of the project and look at the estimates of the resources required to carry out the project.
2.4 Explain the importance of feedback from customers and other stakeholders in continuous
improvement It will help us look what we are doing well and areas that need improving on. It can increase the efficiency of our improvement and the effectiveness of the job that has been completed. It can get us back on track before a job is complete and can boost us to give our best. Feedback, wherever it comes from increases motivation and moral and can help us remain loyal. It can also help us to reduce the time it can take to complete a task. Importantly it can improve productivity and improve the atmosphere in work. Feedback from customers (general public) and our stakeholders can help us improve the outcomes of the job within the police. Every year or when a new government is elected they carry out reviews of policing and from the feedback new policies and procedures are introduced. Some are fine but others do not really help us and generally our hands are tied. However, if they are good and they work in this force or other forces around the country and save money then we will need to embrace the change.
A cost-benefit analysis is “whenever people decide whether the advantages of a particular action are likely to outweigh its drawbacks” (Benefit-Cost Analysis, n.d.). The analysis estimates the economic value placed upon a
something that you feel very strongly about. Try to make this world better in anyway you can.
The two main issues in this case are the project analysis and financial forecasting. The project should be analyzed before doing the forecasting, because any recommendations on the project will affect financial forecasting for the next two years.
“The Goal” is a book written by Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Jeff Cox in 1984. The book is very famous in the management field. In 2004, the author published the third revision of it and celebrated selling over than three million copied of it around the world. Also, the goal book is taught in over than 120 collages. The book was recommended by my professor to be read and summarize as an extra credit.
First is to examine each of those projects to the corporate objectives, compare and contrasting project selection criteria and justify why a project meets the selection criteria.
Rarely do organizations have enough money to authorize all the projects that are feasible. What set of criteria should be used in the project selection process and which criteria should have the most weight? If you feel that this depends upon the situation, define a specific situation in order to answer this
Every business decision involves cost. Understanding cost allow manger to make efficient decision, mete out strategies and better manage risk.
As indicated in Resume I have taken the courses like project management and Ethical leadership to learn the different theories. To gain the practical knowledge I have worked with the different organizations like Sask Culture, Sask Abilities Council and Canadian College of Health Leaders to implement the theories of project management life cycles. I have also developed my knowledge on Kaizen Health Care and implementation of Lean management in different organizations during the different discussions in my course and research work. During discussions, I have found pros and cons of this type of management. But in my opinion Kaizen is the name of continuous, sustainable and improved form of service delivery and management with least surpluses.
In this sense, there are various ways that the system itself can be utilized. The fundamental characteristic of a cost benefit analysis is that it allows the group or organization to approach the issue systematically to find a resolution that can then be compounded upon, and adjusted to create the most effective solution for future problems that may
Cost Analysis is an aspect of estimation that applies both formally and informally to the aspect of costing. Cost analysis is a formal discipline used to help appraise, or assess, the case for a project or proposal, and is an informal approach to making decisions of any kind. It is ultimately an economic tool to aid in logical decision making. In the case of construction cost estimates, the next step would be the cost analysis process. The sole purpose is to determine if the completed estimates are reasonable. Usually comparisons are made with similar projects done in the past to see if the number are within the same vicinity of each other. Though the estimates may differ from case to case, if the cost estimate is significantly higher or lower than the normal ra...
I have a few ideas for improvements to this position that would greatly benefit our chapter.
Assurance of Learning Being future managers, the most important learning is the cost versus benefits analysis of any
In my quest to become a recreation facility and program supervisor cost-analysis is the most feasible alternative in my case. The reason I say this is because cost analysis combines subjective methods and mathematical techniques to compare alternative courses of action. This is also known as pros and cons.
Cost Estimation is one of the first tasks you have to do when you manage a project. It has to be accurate, clear and credible. Because a small business has limited resources so these factors are very important to build a successful one. You can view the details of the cost calculations by using the standard techniques as they give accurate results and very high credibility as long as the inputs provided for calculations are exact. It is very important to use the effective cost estimating techniques while calculating your project costs as it makes you able to allocate identical resources and improve schedules to run and handle the project successfully.