Conscientiousness In Organizational Behavior

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Conscientiousness is a discretionary behaviour that goes well beyond the minimum role requirement level of the organization, such as obeying rules and regulations, not taking extra breaks, working extra-long days (MacKenzie et al, 1993, 57: 107-142). Conscientiousness is a prototype of going well beyond minimally required levels of attendance, punctuality, and housekeeping, penchant towards conserving resources, and overall giving an impression of being a responsible citizen of the organization. If the employee is highly conscientious it implies that he is highly responsible and needs less supervision (Podsakoff and MacKenzie, 1997: 133-151). Altruism and conscientiousness are the two major or overarching dimensions of OCB (Borman et al., 2001: 52-66). Conscientiousness is used to indicate that a particular individual is organized, self-disciplined, accountable and hardworking. Organ (1988) defined it as dedication to the job which exceed formal requirements such as working long hours, and volunteer to perform jobs besides duties. It is interesting to note that Kidder and McLean Par...

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