Conflict Resolution

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This essay seeks to demonstrate what are some of the strategies used by companies when searching resolve conflicts when they face is the combination of daily work alongside the interaction between people. Describes in greater depth that depends on the solution of these problems, I will mention some of the Recommended strategies, the importance of using them to improve the productivity of employees, how is the implementation of the same, the potential advantages and disadvantages , If any, of its use.

Today, much of the Companies direct their efforts towards effectively manage their employees, their time and tasks to be performed. Where is the combination of what is the daily work together to situations that arise from the interaction between people, there are several times clashes of ideas, outlooks and values.

This essay mentions some of the existing strategies used by corporations to try to resolve such problems when teamwork. I mention this in writing, some of the techniques used, as is its implementation, advantages and disadvantages, if any to use them. All these dynamics occur because the employer to come to recognize the importance of achieving a good teamwork, the big difference that generates profits for the company and manage the employee is comfortable in his work environment which translates an increase in the productivity of their employees.

According to University of Phoenix at Conflict and cohesion in groups (na) an aspect of importance and recommended in the search for solutions is the first to know the nature of the conflict as this will help us find a more appropriate solution.

In the article written by P. McNamara (2003) mentions the existence of three general knowledge on conflict resolution. As first explained the concept depends on the ability of the people involved to resolve the matter, should be of interest to solve it and if not this wish this could be achieved shortly. The second is understanding, understanding that not every conflict is resolved. The people involved in the problem must know when deciding have tried all possible routes and it's time to move on. The last point indicates is due to see the positive side of a conflict, understand is a growth opportunity both personally and professionally.

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