Reflection On Values And Attitudes

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This Journal Report is looking at how the managers work with their employees. It explores the differences people have even those working in the same organisation under the same management. However, this report gives a clear way of effective management. It also explores different ways of dealing with staff members who have different attitudes, values and beliefs, However, all these 3 are very close related.


This paper is about a reflective report. This report should demonstrate my ability to reflect and think critically myself, about my values and also about my attitudes. It goes on to explain the differences between beliefs, attitudes and values. It will also assess the impact of beliefs, attitudes and values on my own behaviour. It will also discuss management theories relevant to my job. It will finally, conclude and evaluate how someone with different beliefs, attitudes and values might interpret the theory differently.


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A belief is an acceptance that something exists without proof. Christians believe that God exists and He is the Creator of the universe. Whereas, the atheists do not believe that. As a Christian Nurse, I believe in Christian outlook. And that helps me to show love to people and also to give them a listening ear to their problems. I also believe that patients, staff, relatives, should be treated with dignity, respect, and also with privacy. I also believe that Human Rights Act 1998 bears witness to that. I believe that these rights were created by God. People only discovered them and added some rights such as Article 8 (Rights to privacy) etcetera. And are now using those rights to manipulate the Criminal Justice System. It is God's w...

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...e done privately to accommodate other religions. Some people may force their religion claiming that they have got rights to freedom of speech and also to religion. However, freedom of speech and forcing their religion may impact the others. Smokers may have different attitude in the workplace if they are not provided with smoking areas. However, they may use freedom to put their own health at risk. Smokers being allowed breaks to smoke causes problems. They spend more time on smoking than on looking after patients. Whereas, non smokers take less time and that is not considered as a problem by the managers. If the manager encourages the staff to develop their skills they might interpret that differently. They may think that they are forced to learn or are told what to do. Some may not like their job to be monitored and believe that the manager is too much controlling.

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