Claiming An Education

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Claiming an education has not only become a responsibility of mine, but a necessity to my life, in contrary to limiting my education to what I learn at school. Many students feel that what they do in school is good enough and that working hard in school is all that matters. This is undoubtedly false; students should take their own interests at heart and explore them. If one child loves to play the drums, but his/her school only offers piano classes, that child, given that they are intellectually curious, should make an effort to take an outside of school class on drums. In simpler words, people should make an effort to take chances and explore different things that they are genuinely interested in, rather than focusing their mind entirely …show more content…

I have made it one of my goals this year to get involved in as many of outside of school activities that I possibly can. For example, given that basketball and tennis are my two favorite sports, I take a basketball class every Thursday and a tennis class every Friday. In fact, I joined the girls basketball team for my school, even though the idea of playing against women twice the size of me completely freaks me out. In addition, I am unfortunately not the best cook and I realized that when I go to college, I will have to know how to make my own food, so I decided to do something about that. To help me learn, I have started watching cooking TV shows and I assist my mom and sister while they cook. In school, I do not learn how to cook or how to play tennis or basketball, so it is important to take the initiative and learn these things outside of the …show more content…

Little do people know, there are so many things a person can enquire from the world around them if only they made an effort to claim their education or to explore their interests or curiosities. Doing internships, joining organizations, taking part in sports, and learning how to play instruments are just some out of the many opportunities that can help you further your education. With that being said, I will continue to encourage myself to take that extra step and work hard to achieve my goals and most importantly, make an effort to claim my

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