Church Interview Paper

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Thanks Dr. Mahan for your comments and question. To answer your question, the church values did line up with the members values. However, the traditional aspect of the church is somehow different because some members believe in traditional worship where others are hoping to move to more Contemporal style of worship. Yes, it seems like the leadership team has been ready for change for a long time and they are still working toward transitioning certain activities in the church. From what I gather in the interview process from the five members, it appears that majority of them believe that God is working in the lives of their children and members in the church through the word of God. Moreover, the leadership has been trying to make changes but it is not always perceive well with the congregation. The church leadership will have to pray and ask God to lead them in the right direction on how to address the issue of diversity that the church is experiencing. Few of the members interviewed stated that the church recently undergo leadership transition of their senior pastor leaving the church which causes turmoil within the church body. …show more content…

A praying church is a church that God can transform and use for his glory. Even though the church may loss some of their members during the process, there is still hope for them to gain the members they loss as the church focus on the mission of preaching the message of Christ. There are other ways that church will help in bringing more people to worship with

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