Christmas Break Research Paper

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Schools out for, uh, Christmas break? This year Christmas break falls between December 20th and January 4th. That means 15 days of absolute laziness! Oh and let me tell you, lazy is exactly how I spent mine. I was in vehement (Challenging vocabulary) happiness. However, a few interesting things did pop up during this Christmas break in particular.

If you were to ask any past or current students what their favorite part of the school year was, I bet over half of them will say getting time off for breaks. Being on break means sleeping in until 2:00 p.m. and having no one question you. Everyone loves sleeping in. Personally that’s my favorite part of any break. Combined: the myriad (Challenging vocabulary) of presents and dinners; getting to cozy up around the fire and enjoy the cold winter weather; and getting to sleep in really appeals to me. Plus, who doesn’t love Christmas time? I know I do. This year I celebrated exactly six Christmas’s between all of my family members. You see, my parents are divorced. …show more content…

I filled this time by binge watching Greys Anatomy, sleeping, and eating. However, on the forth morning, tragedy struck. I woke up expecting to repeat my now familiar routine, but my mom had a different agenda. I can see her walking into my room with that mischievous smirk on her face like it was yesterday. Her words are somehow even clearer. “Meghan, we are going to shopping in Indy today and you are driving.” This sentence haunts me to this day. Driving doesn’t scare me, however I have my learning permit and a very bad sense of direction. So naturally I was not very excited, nor did I plan on acting like it, no matter how much it may have pleased her. In fact, one could have even gone far enough to say I was tempestuous (challenging vocabulary). The overall experience was interesting and I can confidently say that was my least favorite part of Christmas

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