Child Observation

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I used methods that help me make sure I held the children’s attention since this was truly important. I prepared a poster board in which I used many colors, colored pictures, and shiny letters to capture their attention. I spoke naturally with no papers to ensure a comfortable atmosphere with a nice flow. I simplified the topic to words they would understand, but also gave them some terminology. For example, when explaining the assessment done to the eyes with the pen light I mentioned the constriction (the getting smaller, what I said to them) and dilation (the getting bigger, what I said to them) of the little “black whole” in the center of the eye called the pupil. I also asked what does the heart do, one little girl said “it pushes blood” then I asked do you know what sound it makes, and I refer to the loop doop sound. It was important to use this method because at this age children learn with visualization, demonstration, and role playing. When it was time for them to see the equipment, a nurse use it made more sense then. I let them be the nurse and the patient and viscera they truly enjoyed that. It was great see them learn and be intrigued on how things work and what …show more content…

One of the little girls in the group her mother is a nurse, who currently is the daycare nurse which had her answering questions. The way I presented things and spoke about them had them attentive throughout the lesson. They were excited to know what we did and to volunteer to help me while I presented the equipment nurses use. The boys of the class were afraid of the equipment they thought it would cause pain but after they saw the girls come up and volunteer they were willing to learn. One awesome thing to hear was one of the little girls say “I want to be a nurse when I grow up” that made my

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