Characteristics Of Leadership In Business

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17 Qualities of Leadership in Business
By Lou Harty
Dec 7, 2013
17 Qualities of Leadership in Business

Leadership in business is critical, no matter what industry it is, as leading people is a critical part of any successful business enterprise. Although some believe that great leaders are born, there are many qualities that can be developed that can help almost anyone become a great leader.

1. Act Ethically and Honestly

The first and most important quality of leadership in business is to always act ethically and honestly, whether you are dealing with a subordinate or a superior. By acting ethically and honestly, a leader promotes similar attitudes in others in the company. One suggestion is to make a list of the values that the brand represents and post them prominently in the office. This emphasizes core beliefs and encourages others to promote them as well. …show more content…


As difficult as it may be, a good leader must be in control of their emotions. Self-control when things are difficult is not easy, as emotions run high during stressful times, but a true leader knows how to keep their emotions in check even when things are difficult. Extreme anger, sentimentality and emotional outbursts are qualities that a good leader learns to control.

12. Good Instincts

Leadership requires good instincts. Often, a "gut feeling" is more accurate than pages of data, and a good leader knows how to put those "gut feelings" to work properly. A good sense of judgment is a very important leadership quality, but it is also important to recognize good instincts in others as well.

13. Firm but Flexible

Once a decision is made, a good business leader remains firm in that decision. However, it is also important to listen to others who may see flaws in the decision. Therefore, leadership in business requires not only the ability to firmly stand by a decision, but to have enough flexibility that those decisions can be tweaked as necessary.

14. Accept

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