Character Transformation In Vincente Minnelli's Journey

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In Joseph McElhaney's essay, “Vincente Minnelli: Images of Magic and Transformation,” he argues that character transformation is central to Minnelli’s films and that this transformation takes place in two ways: through the process of education in a world dominated by teachers of various types; and through a process of enchantment and seduction at the hands of artists. In Emmanuel Burdeau’s essay, “Minnelli’s Message,” he argues that throughout Minnelli a “dance of hesitation” occurs in which characters change their minds about something. Vincente Minnelli’s 1958 film, Some Came Running, addresses both of these arguments in the sequence when the main character, Dave Hirsh, deals with the hesitation of a woman he wishes to marry. In Some Came Running, Dave is a former Army corporal who accidentally returns to his hometown after a drunken night. He makes use of his …show more content…

The main tendency to be noted is the fact that Gwen is wearing a blouse with a yellow design, Minnelli’s favorite color. A majority of the sequences makes use long takes which Minnelli has done in a lot of his other works. For instance, the first long take we encounter is when the camera follows Gwen from when she first seen alone in the kitchen, gets up to answer the doorbell then back to the kitchen with Dave. He also uses long takes in other sections of the sequence while the two are discussing their relationship. In those shots, Minnelli has the camera moved closer and further away as their conversation intensifies to best display their reactions. The sequence also brings attention to social tension which has done in other films. It is most noted at the end of the sequence when Dave says “I don’t even belong in your class” after being rejected by Gwen and she responds “quite possibility you don’t.” One could argue that statement related to her occupation as a teacher, but it could also reflect their opposite class status and

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