Changing School Start Time

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It’s 4:30 in the morning, you went to bed at 11:00 PM, the alarm clock rings, and it's time for school. Most high schools in America start before 8:30 in the morning. Waking up early has been a natural habit of humans throughout modern history. Going to bed late has also been a natural throughout modern history. These sleep habits have developed because of many modern inventions and routines.
It is scientifically proven that teens are wired to go to bed later and wake up later. Don't you think that schools should conform to that routine? For the health and academic performance of teen students, school times should be changed to fit teens natural sleeping habits. Changing school times will be better for schools as well, for they might have …show more content…

Parents won’t have to worry about feeling guilty about waking their children up early, especially knowing they might have went to bed lathe late the night before. That being said, parents can be reassured knowing that their children can be more responsible better preparing them for college and the real world.
Changing school start time might seem like a crazy idea, or even a terrifying one. Some may say that it will be harder for high school students to find a job. Although this may be true, many businesses won't be totally oblivious to the change. Therefore, business schedules can be changed. This means that jobs might be more willing to recruit teens to the work field.
Child care can also be interrupted. In other words, families who depend on high school students to provide child care to younger children, might have to find another way to provide childcare for younger children. As previously said, businesses won't be totally oblivious to the change. Businesses might give incentives to parents of elementary school students. Another way that the problem is by pushing back elementary school start times even later. This way, high and middle school children can take care of elementary

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